Chapter 30

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It's been a few weeks since my period incident. Things were finally on track. Everything was finally okay between us two. We both were together and happy after a long time.

It was Saturday. I was getting ready for Jake to pick me up. Jake was taking me on a date and it was a surprise. He told me to dress comfortable. Well, the least to say I was curious and very excited.

I was dressed in my favorite havana gingham white and pink coloured crop top with a pair of light washed jeans. My hair was let down and I straightened it a little.

I was just applying chapstick when mom entered my room. She raised her eyebrow at me.

"Pretty. When is Jake coming?" She asked as she sat down on my bed facing me.

"I guess he will be here in a few minutes." I shrugged.

She stayed silent as I looked at me in the mirror at the last moment.

"What?" I turned around and faced her.

"I- " she started. "Are you sure this is a great idea Clary? I mean I like Jake, he is good guy. But are you sure that you want to get involved with him again? After he hurt you?" She asked me, her eyes flashing with concern.

She knew that I was hurt because of Jake. She didn't know the details but she knew that I had a rocky past with him.

I sighed and sat down beside her, hugging her close.

"Mom you don't have worry about anything now. It's all okay. He-" I trailed off.

He is the one. I love him ugh

She squeezed my arm as if understanding what I was not saying and smiled at me.

"Does he make you happy?" She asked.

"He does. A lot." I answered almost immediately.

"Well then no doubt then." She shrugged and kissed my forehead. Just at that moment the door bell rang.

I snatched my hand bag and gave my mom a flying kiss before hurrying downstairs.

I opened the door and there he was. Jake. Gorgeous as ever.

He was wearing black jeans, a white top and a leather jacket looking swoon worthy.

As I looked up to his face he did the same. We both were checking each other out.


He smiled and put his hands around my waist, rubbing his nose against mine lightly.

"Gorgeous as ever." He muttered as he brought his lips to mine. My heart beat started picking up.

Funny how alike we thought.

He pulled back after lightly kissing my nose, amusement evident in his eyes. His hand caught mine and we started towards his car.

"Are you excited for today?" He asked as he opened the door for me.

"Are you seriously asking me this?" I rolled my eyes at him dramatically and then smiled as I sat in his car.

Jake started his car and we were off for the mysterious date.

We have been driving for more than half hour when Jake's hand tightened on mine. I looked at him.

He was glancing at the road ahead nervously and then at me. I followed his vision and saw where he was taking me.

My eyes widened and I grinned excitedly.

"A fair!" I exclaimed.

He passed me a constipated look.

"What?" I asked.

"Too cliche isn't it? I knew it. I knew that it would be too cliche. It's just that your favorite local band was going to play here today so I thought." He kept on ranting.

"Oh shut up you idiot. It's perfect." I squeezed his hand. "This fair is really my kind of date. Our kind of date."

He smiled cheekily at me. "It's not really a fair, it's a local concert-y thingy with food and ...nevermind. A fair it is." I chuckled at him excitedly.

We finally reached out destination about 45 minutes later. On the way we just vibed to our favorite songs and danced in our seats and sang at the top of our lungs before breaking into loud laughter. It was the perfect start to our date.

As we were taking the tickets Jake groaned and looked at me.

"Are you sure it isn't too cliche?"

"Ugh" I fake punched him to which he winced playfully.

"I love cliche and you should precisely know that shouldn't you?" I rambled without processing what I was saying.

"Huh?" He looked at me, a little confused.

"Yeah. Because I love -" then it striked me. What was I saying!

Was he ready to hear it?

I don't know.

Was I ready to say it?

I don't know.

But I shut up because of the little coward I was.

"Yeah. Because I love these kind of things and we have been to these things together few times." I shrugged.

"Oh. I know that. Which is why I decided to take you. But then it hit me that it would look too cliche on a date." Jake said as he took the tickets and we walked in.

"You think too much dude. It's great." I smiled at him.

He gave me an amused glance. "Okay dude."

I locked my arm with his. "Where to?" He asked giving me an amused smile.

"Food!" We both said at the same time then burst out laughing.

"I knew it! You are soo predictable baby." He shook his head with amusement on his face then kissed my temple laughing softly.

I slapped his chest. "Oh don't baby me. Your fat ass needed food too. It's just that I had the courtesy to say it out loud."

Jake raised his hands in surrender. "True." Then shrugged as he pulled me to a stall having the most people.

After stuffing our faces with greasy goodness we moved to the games stall where Jake challenged me.

"I am def gonna win." Jake said flipping his non existent long hair.

"Oh you just wait and watch." I smirked as I grabbed the toy gun.


Continue in the next part.

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