Chapter 33

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Jake's hand was attached to mine the whole time. He didn't let go of me once.

He greeted people after people which left me feeling awkward because I was a little socially awkward. Just a little.

After greeting one of his friends Jake turned to me. "Let's go get something to drink." I nodded.

I got myself a coke and Jake helped himself with the same. I didn't want to get drunk with Taylor doing all the drinking sufficient for both of us.

The party was very crowded. People were dancing like crazy, the music was so loud that I could feel it in my veins and everyone was scattered everywhere.

A song of Chris Brown came up and I almost screamed. His songs were soo good.

Jake noticed that and tugged at my hand. I looked at him and gestured towards the dance floor. I almost blushed because I knew that he was remembering the same thing I was. He tried suppressing a smirk at my expression.

We made it to the dance floor without squishing ourselves to death. The dance floor was soo crowded that mine and Jake's body was completely pressed against each other.

"Remember what happened the last time we danced like this?" I asked Jake as his hands took hold of my waist.

He smirked and moved his lips to my ear. "How could I forget?" Then his lips moved down to kiss my neck softly.

Jake flipped me around so that my back was pressed to his chest. This made his access to my neck more easier. He started planting soft butterfly kisses by the side of my neck.

Somebody pushed me and my butt accidentally grinded against him. Jake groaned softly in my ear.

"Clarissa you are making this extremely hard for me." His voice was very low, deep and husky against my ear. It made goosebumps rise on my arms.

I drew out a shaky breath and blushed profusely at his tone. Before I could open my mouth and say something to him a small body slammed into mine.

I was almost about to fall but Jake's strong arms caught me. I looked at who it was and saw Taylor shaking and crying in front of me.

"W-what happened oh my God." I have never seen Taylor like this ever. That is why I got soo scared.

She was shaking. Her whole face was a crying mess. The makeup she applied earlier was melted along her face. Her eyes were bloodshot from crying and snot was coming out of her nose.

I hugged her to me tightly. I could feel her trembling against me. Jake saw her too which made him frown in concern. We got away from the dance floor, my body supporting her.

To calm her down Jake started rubbing her back slowly. I was still holding her to me tightly.

"Taylor. Look at me please. You are scaring me." I combed through her hair. My heart was pounding in my ears.

Jake showed me his car keys and gestured me to follow him out to his car. I did.

We were finally safe in his car. I was sitting in the back seat with Taylor who was still sobbing in my chest.

Jake finally dropped us at my place. I called Taylor's mom to inform her that she will be staying with me.

I got out of the car and helped Taylor out. She had stopped crying but she was still trembling pretty bad.

Jake looked at her with concern in his eyes then at my helpless form.

"Take care okay? If you need anything, just call me." Jake said to me and squeezed Taylor's shoulder.

I nodded and took Taylor to my room. I brought out my makeup wipes and cleaned her face myself. She just sat there, looking quietly at the floor.

I gave her a pair of my pyjamas and changed into one myself. When were finally out of the party outfits, I laid next to Taylor on my bed.

"Taylor." I quietly reached out for her hand. "Tell me what happened. Please."

She finally looked at me with tears filling up her eyes.

She nodded and shifted close to me, Keeping her head on my shoulder. Then she took a deep breath and started telling me.

"I was in the kitchen by myself. There was nobody there. I was looking for something to drink when-" she let out another shaky breath. "A guy entered the kitchen. I didn't know who he was. He just came up to me and started trying to talk and flirt with me. I told him I was not interested and that I had a boyfriend." At the word boyfriend hot tears started flowing down her cheeks. I tried wiping them off. "But he didn't even listen and tried forcing himself on me by putting his hands under my shirt and what not."

I stiffened at her words. My heart falling in my stomach. Oh God no.

"I am so sorry Taylor. I shouldn't have left you." I said, my own eyes tearing up.

She squeezed my hand and continued. "I pushed him away and at the end even kicked him in the balls. That got me rid of him." I let out a sigh of relief at that.

"Thank goodn-" I started but Taylor bet me to it.

"I was in shock and was crying when I got out of the kitchen. I started searching for you. But then I saw Sam." Taylor let out a bitter laugh.

"I almost fainted there from relief when I saw Sam. I ran to him but." Her eyes found mine. "He was there with Madison." My jaw dropped at that.

"That asshole was making out with Madison like he didn't had a girlfriend who was just standing behind him." My hold on Taylor tightened at that. " Madison saw me and Sam too. Sam was in shock while that bitch just smirked at me. I just ran after that. Away from them. It was like an ice bucket was just poured on me." Taylor was sobbing again.

That bitch. Madison. First Jake now Sam. She sure has a type, going after the taken ones.

And Sam. I expected better from him but he broke my best friend's heart. Jerk.

I knew Madison did this to hurt me. Not to be self centred. But she hurt Taylor so that it could hurt me for taking Jake away from her. I knew it. I just knew it.


Drama! Dun dun dun.

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