Chapter 7

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It was new day as I got ready for school. Going to school was a torture for me because it involved waking up early. I took a bath and changed my clothes.

 I took a bath and changed my clothes

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           Clarissa's outfit^^^

After having breakfast with Mom and Dad I took of to school. I was still a little affected by yesterday but otherwise everything was alright. I just reminded myself that I am strong and nobody, absolutely nobody can do anything to me.

Sam met me first. He was on his phone so he just waved at me and smacked my head which earned him a glare. Taylor was near the lockers when I entered the school building. I was just walking to her when I felt a presence behind me.

I took hold of my bag straps and turned around. I sucked in a huge breath when I saw who if was. Jake Mason.

I took a deep breath to calm myself. What the hell does he want!

I turned around again,ready to walk away when suddenly a warm hand clasped my wrist. Jake was holding my hand. Hot anger was the only emotion I could feel when he did that.

"Please Rissa,just hear me out. I just want to make everything al..." Jake started,his brown eyes soft.

"Don't." I stopped him,snatching my hand away from his hold. "Don't call me Rissa and don't talk to me. No words can make anything alright." I spat and turned around to walk away.

This time he was prepared. He came in front of me which stopped me in my tracks. I just want to claw out that pretty face of his.

"Ris... Clarissa just hear me out. I swear I'll leave you alone after that." Before I can open my mouth to speak a voice came up "what the hell is going on here?"

I looked around and was happy to see a furious Taylor standing with her arms crossed on her chest. She looked more than furious,her hands were clenched in tight fists.

"Get lost Jake. She doesn't want to see your stupid face nor does she want to talk to you. Leave! Right now!" Taylor's voice came out so dominant that Jake,without saying any other word turned around and left.

Taylor closed the distance between us and hugged me tightly. I was blank. I didn't know how I was feeling. How could he just touch me after what he did to me?

And why was he talking to me? He never really tried approaching me after...after that.

"You okay?" Taylor asked,concern evident in her eyes. I nodded and smiled a small smile.

"That asshole." Taylor scowled. "What did he want?"

"Can we not talk about him please. Seeing him after school for dance practice is enough torture." Taylor nodded, understanding me completely.


The rest of the day passed like any other day but the only difference was Jake. He kept on staring at me and I was very uncomfortable. When the day ended I finally sighed in relief. I just wanted to go home and go to sleep.

When I opened my locker to keep my books a paper note fell out of it. I looked around for some sign of who left it but found none.

I caught hold of the note and opened it. My heartbeat increased when I recognized the handwriting.


I am so sorry for everything. I'll talk to Mom and cancel this dance so that you don't have to see me.

I tore the note in half and then sighed in relief. No more dance lessons with him.


When I got home I found mom talking to someone on her phone.

"Why!?" She exclaimed suddenly.

I scowled at the sudden exclamation. Who is she talking to?

"Then make him understand Grace." She sounded annoyed.

She was talking to Grace and by the sound of it,it looks like Jake has resigned from dancing. My heart was beating fast. He did it,he did it for me. Thank God for giving that selfish prick some brain.

I walked in the kitchen acting completely oblivious.

"What is it mom,you don't look well." My mom had that pissed off look on her face.

"Jake called of the dance. He does not want to dance anymore." She said.


"Grace is very upset. I even heard her cry a little through the call. I feel so bad for her. She was so excited for the surprise." Mom shook her head,worried for her friend.

Shit! Now I feel guilty.

Suddenly like a bulb lit in her head,mom caught hold of my hand.

"Hey Clary I know you have your differences with that boy Jake. But please can you try to convince him for Grace. She was so excited for it but now she is sad. I know you hate quitters like me so can you ask Jake not to quit." Looking at my expression mom added "for me and Grace. Please."

"Mom but..."

"I am not forcing you. But please just think about Grace." I nodded and rushed up to my room.

Grace's face came again and again in my mind when she announced about the surprise and her anniversary. She was really happy and excited. I felt so guilty when I remembered it. Because of me this whole thing was off.

My mind was not able to focus properly on anything the whole day. That guilt was clawing inside me.

Finally at 7:30 in the evening I came up with a decision. I did not like it one bit but thinking of Grace made me do it.

I rushed downstairs from my room. Mom was busy scrolling through her phone. I cleared my throat loudly to gain her attention.

She looked up searching my face for something.

"I'll talk to him." I said.

She nodded slowly as if absorbing what I just said. Then a small smile tugged at her lips.

"I was just waiting for you because I know that you don't like disappointing people." She came and pecked my cheek lightly. "Now go." She pushed me towards the door.

This woman. I rolled my eyes and pushed through the door to the Mason's.



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