Chapter 25

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I was on the bleachers, crying when Adam found me.

"Ssh Clary. It's okay." Adam sat beside me on the bleachers.

"Nothing is okay. Jake-" I cut off.

"I know. I heard you both. I followed you because you went in such a rush. I wanted to make sure you were okay." He said. I took his hand and gave a little squeeze.

"I didn't ever wanna be a problem between you two Clary." Adam said sadly. His excitement long gone.

"I know Adam." I gave him a sad smile.

He was silent for a while then suddenly he spoke up.

"Tell him. If this will fix what happened between you two then do it."

"No Adam. Obviously not. You don't have to do this just because of this. You take your own time and do it on your terms, when you are completely ready. I don't want you to regret it." I looked over at him. He was at a war with himself. He was not ready but he wanted to do this just for me. He was a great friend.

"Jake has been hurt many times. I'll have to show him myself that how much he means to me." I said to Adam.

He gave me a reassuring smile. "I hope this works out."

I nodded. "Me too."


It was afternoon after school ended. Me and Taylor rushed to my house. The whole day was a mess for me. I couldn't help but think about Jake and look for him the whole day. NowI was at home with Taylor. We were lying on my bed. She was trying to comfort me the best she could and I was grateful for that. I told her everything.

" Clary it's not your fault." Taylor played with my hair as I laid down beside her.

"I know Tay. But I can't help thinking that. He has been through soo much." I said as I looked up at my ceiling.

"So have you." She protested.

We stayed silent.

After an eternity I finally spoke up. "I am going to tell him everything I feel, everything he means to me."

I looked over at Taylor. She was deep in thought. "Are you sure about this? Do you think you are ready Clary? Because-" she trailed off.

"There is never a right time Tay. We both are unhappy without each other. And he basically just confessed out to me the things I had wanted to hear since soo long."

A small smile crept on Taylor's face. "I was worried about you near him because I thought that he would hurt you and you would be better without him." She chuckled. "But who am I kidding, you both are perfect for each other." She squeezed my hand in support. "If you are ready and sure then I am in. Go get your Manz."

I laughed. She was literally the best friend ever.

"I love you Tay." I smiled at her.

She squeezed my hand and smiled back. "Unfortunately, the feelings are mutual Clary."


Taylor left my house around seven in the evening. She was there to make sure I was hundred percent okay which I had come to peace with. This was my chance. I'll tell him everything.

I ate dinner around 8 then got dressed in black leggings and a white oversized hoddie. I pulled my hair up in a high ponytail then got ready to go.

I was nervous. Would he listen to me? Would he believe me and not leave me like today morning.

I had planned to tell him everything calmly and peacefully. I am sure he would listen to me.

He would. Wouldn't he?

"Mom!" I called out for my mom in the kitchen.

"What?" She asked as she emerged from the storage room.

"I am going to Jake's for a while."

She didn't ask me why. She saw something in my eyes that told her not to or she understood. Because her next words shocked me.

"Okay. You can take dad's bike if you want. Don't be too late." I smiled at her and nodded.

I was about to get out of my front door when she called out to me. "Clary, take care. Please."

"I will." With that I closed the door behind me.

I already had the keys to my dad's bike. I got the helmet and swung my leg on the bike and started it. The baby came to life. I felt the engine spurring to life under me.

With that I got out of my driveway and drove towards Jake's house.

I saw his house come in view. My heart was thudding wildly in my chest.

I reached his driveway and got up from my bike. I took a deep breath to calm my nerves then started towards his door.

It's time.


Dun dun dun....

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