Chapter 16

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After the run I was quite emotional. I had my set of mental break down during the run. I just stopped at a random road which was quite empty by luck and started crying by the tree. It was quite relieving and I felt a lot better after that. Thinking about Jake always did that but screw him.

Well,I already did. Whoops.

I came back to my room after the run and the first think I did was get the letter out of the trash can. I kept it on my bed side table again.

With that I took a shower,changed and got in my bed with my favourite blanket around me.

I stretched my hand out and took the letter in my shaking hands. It was 8:32 p.m.

I tore it open and after taking a deep breath started reading it.


'You broke me'. These three words, I can't get it out of my head however hard I try. It seems to be stuck. Whenever I close my eyes I see your pretty face with tears in your eyes. Goodness Clarissa I know I hurt you but I didn't know this much. It pains me to see you this way. I am so very sorry,so so sorry for all the things that I did that hurt you.

So I made up my mind to tell you the whole thing. The whole truth about what happened. I can't say that it isn't my fault but after hearing my side I hope that you understand. I wanted to tell you this on that night but things happened so fast that.... Please meet me in the park that we went together the first time we went out at 8. I'll explain to you the whole thing I promise. Just please do come, I'll be waiting.
Please give me a chance Rissa.


I don't know why but I was crying again. Dude what's wrong with me!

It was already 8:36 p.m. I was 36 minutes late already. I was not sure that I should be going or not but I wanted an explanation that would clear everything to me. I got my hoodie and sweatpants in a hurry and changed. After that I carelessly tied my hair in a messy pony tail.

The park was approximately 10 minutes away from my house. I took my father's motor bike which I loved but was not allowed to ride frequently and got ready to go.

"Where are you going Clarissa? And where the hell are you taking your father's bike?" Mom called after me.

"I'll come back and explain." And with that I started the bike and rode away.

The air was hitting my hair making it messier than ever but I did not mind. I wanted to get to the park as soon as possible. It all felt like a movie to me.

As I reached the park I hopped off my bike and walked towards the park with my heart pounding in my ears.

As I entered the park I saw Jake.  He was sitting on one of the swings with his shoulders slumped. He was looking down at his feet which showed how messy his hair were. He looked tired.

Hearing my footsteps,he looked up immediately. His eyes found mine and they instantly lit up.

"You came." Jake whispered with hope in his eyes.

"I read your letter." I stated and took a seat right next to his,on the other swing.

There was silence between us,a comfortable one but I had that gnawing feeling inside me and that restless side of me wanted to know the story then and there.

"I know it's hard for you to believe me but Rissa,that was the best night of my life." I stayed silent. I wanted him to keep talking and just get over with it.

"The night we slept together.." I closed my eyes tightly at that. "Madison came up on the door of our room." He tilted his head to look at me. I saw it from the corner of my eyes but I kept looking forward.

"I heard a knock on our door. I thought that someone made a mistake or something so I stayed in. But the knocks kept on coming. I opened the door and there I saw Madison. She was a mess. She was crying. I am not a big fan of her so I told her to go but she kept on insisting that there was something important she has to talk to me about." He took a deep breath as if it hurt him to speak.

"You were sleeping so I thought I'll just listen to her and come back to you before you wake up. Madison took me to the backyard and she told me..." Jake looked down at his feet then and mumbled softly. "She told me that she was pregnant with my child."

I took in a deep breath then and turned to look at him.

"It felt like all the breath has been sucked from my lungs. I started panicking. I didn't know what to do or what to think at that moment but I finally asked her the question that was bugging me. I asked her that how was it my child if we haven't slept together. We slept together before I even met you, it was 1 and a half month ago. After I met you I wasn't even in contact with her,hell any other girl except you." A small smile made its way on my face at his last comment. I wanted to trust him and a little part of me did when I saw his broken expression.

"She told me that she didn't sleep with anyone else after me." I almost scoffed at that. "I believed her at that time. I was panicking,my brain was not working. I was just told that I'll be having a child at 18 years old." Jake looked frustrated and ran his hand through his hair messily.


To be continued in the next part

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