Chapter 31

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I won.

I shot 5 balloons whereas Jake's loser ass couldn't even properly shoot 3 balloons.

He grumbled as the owner took our guns back.

"Miss you have two options for your gift. A tiara and a keychain. What would you like."
The owner asked.

I smirked at a grumbling Jake when I turned towards the owner again. "I would like a tiara for my princess here." I said and took Jake's hand in mine laughing up at him.

His eyes immediately snapped to mine and he gave me a comical frown. I grinned and gave him a fast peck on his lips.

The owner gave me the pink plastic tiara smirking at us. Ok weird.

I had the honour to present the tiara to the princess himself.

He looked pretty weird with jeans, leather jacket and a little pink tiara on top of his head.

He didn't seem to mind though.

I grinned at his comical self and bowed. "At your service princess Jake the loose." My grin turned into a full blown laugh at his expression.

"Princess Jake the loose?" His eyes narrowed playfully.

"Oh you don't like it? How about princess Jackass or is it Jakeass the loose. If you get it you know?" I grinned at him cheekily.

"You-" he caught me by my waist. But before he could do or say anything a voice picked up from the stage.

"Are you ready!!??" There was a chorus of yes.

"The freaking concert is starting Jake. Let's goo!" I dragged him towards the stage.

My favourite local band was performing. I basically loved them because of their romantic songs. But their other songs were no less. Not to mention the band mates were insanely hot.

We were standing just opposite the stage. I could literally touch the feet of the bandmates if I wanted too. Which I will between the concert and snatch them and run for it.

I squealed loudly when they started their concert. "Ahh what the freaking hell! You guys are amaZING!" Jake laughed out loud at that.

"Control Rissa. They might throw you out if you continue screaming like a mad woman." Jake chuckled.

"Don't you see any other girls here? It looks like they might drop dead any second." I pointed to the whole crowd behind me.

I was going crazy during the concert. I was jumping and screaming at the top of my lungs . I am a crazy fangirl.

By all this craziness I caught Harold's, one of the member's of the band, eye. He noticed me screaming and singing at the top of my lungs so he bent down to me and caught hold of my hand. After that he kissed me softly on my hand then winked at me. Holy moly! I literally almost fainted there.

When he kissed my hand I blushed and grinned up at him, still in a daze.

Someone put his arm around me. I looked beside me to see Jake scowling and glaring at Harold.

I bit my lip to stop myself from smiling and playfully slapped his chest.

"There there caveman, your eyes might drop out completely."

"Oh shush tomato. Look at your face, you are blushing like crazy."

"So? He's hot and he just freaking kissed my hand." I said and looked up at Harold who was singing like the angel he was.

His eyes caught mine again and he gave me a smirk and waved at me.  Jake groaned beside me.

The concert ended unfortunately. It was a blast.

"Thank you all for coming!" With that the band ended their performance. A final chorus of screams surrounded me then people started scattering.

"That was amazing!" I laughed as I caught hold of Jake's arm and jumped.

"Yeah it totally was." Jake grumbled.

"Aw come on." I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed his cheek. "You are the only man I have my eyes on."

"It surely looked like that." He raised his eyebrow at me.

"I tried keeping my eyes at you but they kept deviating." I pointed at my eyes. "It's their fault." I shrugged.

Amusement flashed in Jake's eyes. His lips found mine. "Ugh, why are you so cute."

I smiled at his words when something behind Jake caught my eye.

I pulled Jake in the direction of Ferris wheel and gave him a cheeky smile. "Now come on princess Jake the loose, end my day with the cliche-est thing ever. Kiss me on top of the Ferris wheel and make me the happiest girl."

"Always at your command my love." He winked at me.

We finally got in our box in the Ferris wheel.  I was tucked in Jake's arms. His arms were holding me close and my side was pressed to his chest. His nose was buried in my hair and his lips touched my temple. We both were silent as we saw our surroundings, taking in the beautiful view.

As we finally reached the top, Jake's fingers found my chin and he tilted my face upwards. Then his lips descended on mine. He gave me the sweetest, slowest and one of the most passionate kisses of all times that left me breathless and in a daze. His beautiful brown eyes held mine captive after the kiss, drawing my breath away. It held so much affection and emotion.

That was my favourite part of the date.


We both were quiet on the way back ,still reminiscing the moments of our great evening.

His hand on mine was making steady, slow circles on my palm.

I was almost sad that the day was over.

We finally reached my house. It was a little past midnight. My curfew was one so I had no problem.

Jake walked me to the porch.

"Thank you for such a great evening Jake." I smiled at him.

He smiled back at me and bowed a little. "Princess Jake the loose always at your service ma'am."

I laughed and hugged him close. "You are annoyingly amazing Jake Mason."

"That I am." He smirked but then gave me a short sweet kiss after. "Good night Rissa. Tonight was really special."

It looked like he wanted to say more but decided against it. He pecked my forehead then turned towards his car.

"Good night Jake." I mumbled as I watched him drive away in his car.


I want a Jake Mason ugh!

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