Chapter 22

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My mouth immediately began to water. I heard a chuckle coming from next to me. I looked over at Jake. He was looking at me with amusement in his eyes.

"I love how excited you get when we come here. It's really cute." I looked away from him, fighting the blush that was threatening to come out on my cheeks.

"Shut up." I said.

"Oh my God! It's you guys!" We were greeted by a voice. The voice belonged to Lily, the shop owner. After so many trips here, we got to know her personally.

"Hi Lily." I greeted her. Jake passed her a polite smile.

"Where have you guys been? It's been so long!" She questioned. At that both,me and Jake looked at each other.

"Er.. it's a long story Lily." I said awkwardly. She nodded in understanding. "Okay, what can I get you, the usual?" She asked and I nodded eagerly before looking at Jake. He nodded too.

After getting our orders, we sat down in the corner most booth. Mine was a mixture of cookie monster, dark chocolate and chocolate chips with a coating of chocolate M&Ms. Jake's ice cream consisted of a mixture of coffee and vanilla ice creams.

As we sat down, Jake eyed my ice cream then looked at me. "I still don't understand how you eat so much chocolate in one sitting."

"Thank you." I said with a glimmering smile and dove in to devour the piece of heaven.

"Oh my God! I missed this so much." I said as I took a big bite of it.

"Me too." Jake said. But as I looked at him, he hadn't even touched his ice cream, his eyes were on me. 

"Jake, eat your ice cream before I do." I said before taking another bite of it.

We both ate in silence, not knowing what to say. I saw that the anger he was feeling was not there anymore. He wasn't tensed. I felt happy that atleast I have distracted him from what was bothering him.

"So..." I started.

He looked up at me, his dark,long lashes almost covering his gorgeous brown eyes. But I stopped because a weird, amused look came over Jake's face. He was biting his lip to keep him from laughing.

"What?!" I asked, suddenly very self conscious.

"Your mouth." He chuckled. As he said that I reached towards my mouth to clean it but Jake beat me to it.

As I was about to touch my mouth his large, warm hand caught mine. "Let me." And with that he reached towards the tissues and cleaned my mouth gently. I was not able to think properly, my hand was still clasped in his. His grip was strong and gentle and little tingles caused goosebumps to rise on my hand.

"All done." He smiled softly and pulled back. I had mixed feelings, I was relieved but disappointed at the same time.

"Thanks." I mummered and continued eating my ice cream.

After a span of comfortable silence, I looked up at Jake. He was eating silently and was lost in his thoughts. I was done eating.

I gave him some time to come back but he was still staring out of the window blankly. I reached forward and touched his hand, feather light.

Jake's eyes found mine. I smiled at him. He looked at my ice cream and then at me. "You done?" I nodded.

"Let's go then." I nodded as Jake got up from his chair.

"Bye Lily!" I laughed as we got to the cashier booth. I was about to reach out for my purse but Jake beat me to it.

"You made my day a hundred times better Rissa, so you deserve to be given a treat." Jake reached for his wallet but Lily's voice stopped us.

"It's on me. Okay. I am so happy to see you children here, just don't take this big of a vacation and come again soon." She gave us a gentle smile,her eyes twinkling.

We thanked her and got to Jake's car. Instead of starting the car Jake turned towards me.

"Thanks Rissa. Thanks for being there for me." His hand found mine and he squeezed lightly.

I almost shuddered at the contact but smiled at him. "It's nothing. Come on now, we still have to get to school."

We entered the school. The third period was going on then it was lunch. We waited for the bell to ring. Till then we were seated in Jake's car.

"Have you practiced what I have taught you till now?" I asked Jake. I knew the answer immediately as he looked everywhere but me.

"Oh come on! Why?" I asked him again. He gave me a sheepish smile.

"Your mother is going to kill us. You know that right?" I said raising an eyebrow.

"You can come over to teach me the steps again. I actually forgot them." He gave me a sheepish smile again. I sighed out loud. That was the only option since my mother's dance institute was packed with another up coming show and that is why the practice there was limited or not possible.

"Okay. How about tomorrow morning?" Tomorrow was Saturday and there was nothing to do.

"Sounds good." Jake said just as the bell rang.


"So how was the sex?" Taylor asked sourly as she took a bite of her sandwich.

I almost choked on my drink. "What!?"

"Oh nothing, it's just that you are glowing after spending some alone time with him. Where did you do it? In his car? And let me tell you..three hours..that boy has some talen-"

"Shut up Taylor! Oh my god." I was sure my face was red already. "We went to the ice cream shop to lift up his mood."

" 'The' ice cream shop?" She asked raising one of her eyebrow.

I nodded. She gave me a piercing stare and nodded slowly.

"And then I am going to his place tomorrow." Her eyes almost fell out of her sockets. " To teach him some dance. Taylor!"

"Sure. So things are back to normal then?" She asked as she looked down at her sandwich.

"Obviously not. We are trying to be friends again."

"Friends. Hmm." She nodded again then got up to throw out the trash leaving me confused.


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