Chapter 29

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I engulfed him in a bear hug.

"You know your way to a girl's heart." I said into in his chest as I eyed the goodies.

"I don't want any other girl's heart but yours." He winked.

"Ughh, stop being so mushy." I slapped his chest lightly but I got butterflies when he said that then pulled him into my house.

After unwrapping all the chocolates and the stuff I needed and after putting them in bowls I was ready to get into bed and never come out.

Jake joined me too, in my bed and we opened my laptop to see a movie together. He plugged in my heating pad and put it on my stomach.

We started the movie. It was 'Crazy, stupid love.'

We were halfway in the movie and I couldn't stop stirring and changing my position.

My back was hurting badly.

After a while Jake paused the movie and turned to look at me.

I looked up at him, confused. "Why did you turn it off?

"Turn around." He ordered.

"Excuse me." I raised my eyebrow at him

"Your back is hurting you. That's why, flip over." Jake said looking into my eyes. He was so gorgeous. Goodness.

I did.

He took hold of my t shirt and pushed it upwards till the skin of my lower back was visible. "Wha-" I started. My heart was hammering in my chest.

Then his hands touched my skin on my lower back. I gasped. I was going to have a heart attack. His hands were so familiar on my skin and pulled up so many memories back that I wanted to pass out.

He started massaging my lower back. It was such a relief. His hands worked perfectly on my back like magic. Slowly I started drifting off to sleep again.

Jake should find a profession in massages and massaging. I would probably hire him full time.


I woke up slowly, feeling suprisingly refreshed, comfortable and well rested.

I felt a weight around my waist. I looked down to see a manly arm wrapped around me into a tight embrace.

Jake was crushing me to his chest. My back was facing his chest and his soft breathing made his chest move along my back. His face was nuzzled in my neck completely. I didn't know how in the world was he breathing.

This was the most comfortable I have ever been. It's his arms that I belong in.

But that thought had to wait because my bladder was onto something else. The ice cream was clearly the culprit.

I slowly took his arm and tried to get off his hold.

Oh how much I hate his freakishly giant 20 million thousand pound rock hard arm.

Butterflies erupted in my stomach when Jake pulled one of his leg over my legs and started planting soft kisses on my neck.

"Where do you think you are going?" He mumbled huskily while kissing my neck. His voice was thick and deep with sleep.

"I-" Before I could say anything he turned me around so I was looking at his face and suddenly his lips covered mine.

He kissed me slowly and deeply, taking his time exploring around.

I pulled away rather unwillingly. He tried pulling me back in but I smacked his mouth shut.

His eyes widened under my hand.

"Mister if you don't let me go now I might just empty my bladder on you right now. And don't let me remind you that I am on my period." He let me go immediately.


I was just about to enter the toilet when he spoke up. "But if you are wearing a pad then-" I gave him the most blank- deadpanned look ever. "Never mind." He said and looked away sheepishly.

I completed my business and went out to see my bed empty.

Not again.

My heart started pounding loudly as soon as I saw the empty bed. It was reflexive. I started having the weirdest, most negative thoughts.

He couldn't have left again.

Pssht obviously not.

But what if.

I literally ran downstairs to see if there was any sign of Jake around.

My heart almost bursted out in relief when I saw him standing in the kitchen looking around for something.

He heard me coming so he said. "I hope that you are feeling better now. I just thought that after all that junk, you should have some real food so-"  He turned around and saw me standing there. An immediate look of concern took over his face. "What happened Rissa? Are you okay?" Jake came towards me and wiped off my tears that had escaped out.

"You weren't there when I came out." I stated. That sentence was like a blow to Jake. His face crumpled in sadness and heart shattering pain.

His arms came around me and crushed me to him. "Never again. You get it. Never ever again."

That calmed me down. The tone of his voice provided a sense of promise.

He sensed that and kissed my forehead slightly. After that he caught hold of my hand and pulled me to the kitchen.

"Now, where is the bread?"

With that he 'cooked' me a sandwich. I was in the kitchen with him the whole time. He gave me assuring smiles and kisses in between as he worked.

After helping ourselves with sandwiches we spent the whole day in each other's arms, snuggling and watching TV.


Have you found your soulmate yet? Or are you single as me?😬

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