Chapter 15

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I was very well aware of Jake's letter sitting on my bedside table. I tried to distract my mind from it but couldn't. Finally unable to settle or calm my mind,I took the letter and threw it in the trash can in my room which was empty except this letter.

I can't just read anything that Jake give me. He doesn't mean anything to me so why should I read. I don't owe him anything. But that was a complete lie and I knew that.

The letter attracted me towards it.

"Ughhh." I mumbled in annoyance when I glanced at the letter again and finally decided to go for a run.

I started my run when I got out from my house. I ran for approximately two minutes before deciding that it's better if I walk.

I was alone with my thoughts now. I started thinking about Jake,how we met,how he treated me then about that night.

However heart breaking it might be but that time with him was the best time of my life.

Jake came by to drop Katja everyday when she joined my mother's dance institute. There we met for the first time. We saw each other at school but never talked. I felt myself getting attracted to him immediately. He was,sorry ,is a handsome, good looking lad.

So he came to drop off Katja everyday. There we started to talk a little bit. Things turned around fast,we got touchy, kissed,made out and went out on dates. We were happy. He made me feel like a princess from a Disney movie. We were never official but I didn't mind that very much. Because I knew the type of guy he was,his eyes were on me and only me.

Well that's what I thought.

So after going out (not really) for a month or so we went to a party on a Saturday. There things got heated a little bit. We were not drunk so this was not a drunken mistake. I can't call it a mistake either,I couldn't have given my virginity to a better man.

Well that's what I thought.

We slept together that night. He was my first and he made sure that I had the best night ever. And I did,I really did. He was so comfortable to be with and treated me so perfectly that I couldn't ever forget that. But what made that night from best to worse was that I woke up to an empty bed.

I still remember the feeling. I was naked in the bed of a stranger with the other side of the bed empty and cold. My heart shrunk when I realised Jake was not there and his clothes were gone too. I wanted to cry at that moment.

But I stayed optimistic. I hoped that Jake had some really important work that he wanted to attend to. I just didn't wanted to believe that he just wanted to get in my pants because I was starting to fall for him,starting to have real feelings for him. I didn't wanted to believe that he was a player who played me.

I got dressed and left the room hoping to see Jake. It was early morning so the whole house of the host was a mess,littered with cups and drinks and with people passed out on the floor.

I looked around for Jake but didn't find him. I remember my heart beating so fast like it was just gonna leap out of my chest. I felt my throat clogging up with tears but I kept calm.

I rushed home. There in the shower I cried. I cried so bad like someone has stabbed me. When I finally calmed down I dressed in my comfy clothes and rushed to my phone hoping that I got a text from Jake or something. But there was nothing. I felt the tears coming again.

I dialed his number several times but it all went to voice mail because it was switched off. I stayed in my room the whole Sunday trying to get hold of Jake and crying but nothing happened.

Finally Monday I couldn't wait to get to school. Because there I would finally be  able to meet Jake and ask him what happened. But imagine my surprise when I saw him enter the school with Madison by his side.

My heart shattered like a mirror was an understatement of the century. When Jake saw me he tried to come towards me probably to rub it on my face but Madison stopped him when she said something to him and he took her to the washroom to make out or something.

I felt like someone has physically squeezed my heart. I had tears in my eyes that I wasn't able to see anything. I felt physical pain.

Taylor took care of me. She was there the whole time. I thought that she might be thinking that why I am crying so much about him when we were together (haha) for such a little time.

But I got attached to him in such a little time. I started having real,actual feelings for him. The feelings of love. And not to forget I gave myself to him which is not a small thing,not according to me. I was genuinely happy with him,he actually made me happy.

I was in love with him. I was in love with Jake Mason.


I felt so emotional writing this. Like I was close to crying.

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