Chapter 12

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When I woke up it was 7:45. I would have slept more if it was not my phone which started ringing.

It was Adam.

"Hello." I said groggily.

"Clary. You were sleeping?" Adam asked,his voice echoing in my ear.

"Yes. What do want." I said in annoyance. He knows how much I love to sleep and how much I hate it when someone wakes me up.

"I'll be picking Taylor since Sam is not coming to the party. Do you want me to pick you up?" Adam asked,his deep voice was laced with amusement. He knew how annoyed I was.

"Yeah okay. Do whatever you want. Let me sleep. Kay? Bye." I said but before I could cut off his call he spoke up.

"Get ready babe. We'll be picking you by 8:45. You have exactly one hour." And with that he cut the call.

It sounded like he was threatening me. Get ready in one hour otherwise....idiot.

I got up from my comfy bed and washed my face,cleaning the layer of drool by the side of my lip.

Then I went to my closet and stood there for good 10 minutes. I didn't know what to wear. I was just staring at my clothes and zoning out.

Atlast I decided upon some casual yet party like clothes.

High waisted denim skirt with a red crop top

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High waisted denim skirt with a red crop top. It looked good.

When I saw myself in the mirror I almost gagged. My hair looked horrible.

I straightened my already straight black hair and applied eyeliner,mascara and a red glossy lipstick.

I looked cool.

Ok ready. 


I was just wearing my white converse when I heard a car horn followed by Taylor and Adam screaming my name. "Coming" I  shouted.

I rushed downstairs hurriedly unplugging my phone from the charger. "Mom I am leaving!" I yelled. "Ok. Be careful honey.!" She yelled back.

I exited my house straitening my skirt. As soon as Adam saw me he whistled jokingly. At that Taylor's eyes snapped at me. "Red suits you dude!"

"Thanks" I mumbled and got in the car.

We reached Luke's house by 9. By then the party was already in full go. Luke's house was really huge. It was a double storey bungalow. As we were entering his house, we were stopped by Luke who was by the gate talking to one of his friends.

He looked really handsome in his dark jeans and white t shirt. He had a bottle of beer in his hand.

"Hey!" Luke said as he came towards us. His eyes scanned me up and down,a little smirk coming up on his face.

"Glad you made it." He said once he stopped checking me out.

I was feeling awkward by that checking out but decided to ignore it. "Yeah me too. Great party by the way." I said fixing my hair. I don't know how to talk to a guy....that was clear.

"Wanna have a drink?" He asked suddenly.

"Sure." I said. I don't know why I said that,I don't handle alcohol very well. When I drink alcohol,I don't have any control of my mouth. But I really wanted a drink since parties always made me emotional because of that night.

As I went in with Luke I snuck a glance at Taylor. She had a smirk on her face. I rolled my eyes and followed Luke inside.

The music was really loud and many people were dancing their ass off. Literally.

I got myself four shots of vodka. After drinking God knows how much Luke pulled me on the dance floor.

We are laughing and giggling like babies. We started dancing. First we started off as some awkward sticks but before we know we were climbing on each other,dancing like crazy.

"Oh my God!" I panted. "I really need to pee. I'll be back. Toodles." I giggled as Luke wiped a fake tear off his face.

"Don't be long beautiful." He called out after me. I blushed and giggled at the same time. I liked his company and he was pretty cute.

I found a bathroom that was thankfully not occupied. I did my business and got up to wash my hands. Shit. I got a cramp on my ankle.

I pushed myself on the sink platform and removed one of my converse to massage my ankle after washing my hands.

I was minding my own business when suddenly the door of the bathroom opened. I looked up. There standing on the gate was Jake in dark jeans and green sweatshirt which clinged to his body,making his muscles prominent. He looked absolutely drool worthy. Oh my God he looked so handsome.

He seemed shocked to see me there. His eyes scanned my outfit stopping oh so slightly on my chest then finding my eyes.

His brown eyes got filled with worry when he saw me massaging my ankle. He took a step forward then stopped suddenly trying to figure out how I reacted to that.

I was watching the whole thing. I wanted him near me. Call me stupid but it was the alcohol in me that made me do it.

"Jake." I mumbled. As soon as he heard me call him he froze trying to figure out what I was doing.

"Close the door and c'mere." I slurred. I wanted him near me so bad. I missed him. I can't hate him however much I say it. I wanted him to touch me,to comfort me,to hold on to me and never let me go.

Jake did what I asked. He took cautious steps towards me as if waiting for me to stop him. He stopped at an arms distance.

"Near." I whispered to which he sucked in a huge breath.

As soon as he was standing between my legs and his scent was surrounding me. That damn cologne. I put my arms around his neck and snuggled my face into his shoulder. Oh how much I missed it. As soon as I did that goosebumps erupted all over his neck.

His breathing was getting heavy. "Your arms Jake." I whispered in his ear almost angrily. His arms were hanging loose by his side. He didn't know what to do or what to expect.

But I didn't care. I wanted his arms around me.

"Rissa you are drunk baby." Jake whispered huskily. "You wouldn't do that if you were sober." He said sounding sad.

"I don't care." I said and pulled him closer. As soon as I did that he wrapped his strong arms around me. I almost gasped at the feeling.

He held on me soo tight like his life depended on it. His face nuzzled in my neck. As I felt his hands on me the images of that night came into my head and I felt my eyes fill up.

Holding tight onto him I started crying softly on his shoulder. That was the best and worst night of my life.

Feeling me shake and drew back and scanned my face with worry in his eyes. "Why are you crying baby? Ssh. It's okay. Is it your ankle? Let me look at it." He said and started to bend down.

"Remember that night?" I asked him softly,my words coming out shaky and slurred. As I mentioned that he froze. He straightened his back and looked at me with pain in his eyes.


To be continued in the next chapter.....dundundunnnn

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