Chapter 8

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I walked slowly towards the Mason's house. I still haven't thought about what I'll say. "Hey Jake I think we should dance again because your mom is upset but please don't come near me and don't make me look at your face."

Not to add but my heart was beating was fast like it had just completed a marathon. As the house came into view I wanted to turn back and walk away from it but I calmed my mind and took stressful steps towards it.

I saw Grace as I neared the house. She was sitting on the swing in the porch of her house. She looked sad and was staring off in space. When she heard my footsteps she looked in my direction.

I smiled lightly earning the same smile from her. When I neared her she got up from the swing and hugged me tightly. I hugged her back.

"Hi." I said,awkwardly pushing back my loose strands.

"Hi. What are you doing here so late?" She asked me.

"Um..." I cleared my throats. The words were not willing to come out. "I came here to meet Jake. I wanted to talk to him about the dance." As I said those words,her eyes lit up with hope. I looked away.

"Yeah um..he's up in his room. Go ahead." I nodded and walked inside the house.

The house was huge with wooden floorings and heavy curtains. I always found it so luxurious. When I started to climb up the stairs to Jake's room I heard a pair of footsteps coming towards me.

"Hi Clary!" Katja exclaimed hugging me tightly.

"Hey." I replied hugging her back.

Katja was the exact replica of her mother,from looks to nature to habits. The only difference was the height and the dyed hair. She had inherited her height from her brother and father. And her hair were beautiful with amazing blonde highlights in it.

"What are you doing here? Came to see Jake?" She asked after we pulled apart.

I nodded.

"He's upstairs. Make sure you knock,he's in one of his moods. Probably pmsing." Katja shrugged.

"Yeah okay." I said as I started climbing up. When I looked at Katja she had a small smirk on her face. I gave no notice to it.

When I reached upstairs I found Jake's room ajar. He was laying on his bed seeing something on his phone. He had a sad expression on his face and his lips were turned down.

I knocked on his door sharply. He jumped up out of shock not expecting anyone. When he saw me his eyes widened. He got up from his laying position and nodded for me to come in. I entered his room slowly opening his door completely. I don't want to stay alone with him in an enclosed area or stay anywhere near him.

"What are you doing here?" He asked as he put his phone down on the bed.

As he kept the phone I saw what he was seeing. It was a picture of us. I was looking at the camera laughing about something he said and he was holding me close to him,his head on my shoulder,smiling widely. I loved that picture. It showed how happy we were. But now it was like a cold bucket of water was thrown at me.

He saw my change of expression and the sign of disgust on it and followed my line of vision. He saw what I was looking at and he immediately turned off the phone,stuffing it in his pocket,a blank expression on his face.

"I just came to tell you that the dance is still on." His beautiful eyes showed confusion and slight hope.

I cleared my throat and elaborated. "Your mom was really looking forward to it so I didn't want to ruin their big day."

And with that I turned around to leave,my hands in tight fists. "Clarissa." His voice sounded heavenly in my ears. With that velvety edge to that deep,deep voice.

My whole body tensed up. "I am sorry. So so sorry." His voice was as soft as a feather. The genuineness in his voice almost made me gasp. I showed no signs how much this affected me and left his room ignoring his apology and made my way downstairs.

Grace was entering the house. A small smile made its way on my face.

"Grace!" I called out.

She looked at my face and suddenly her face lit up. The frown on her face vanished and it got replaced by a gigantic smile.

"Oh my goodness." She wrapped her thin hands around me. "Thank you so much Clarissa!" She almost squealed. I laughed in the hug.

"Oh Lord,leave the poor girl alone Grace." A deep voice broke us apart.

Standing on the door was a tall,handsome man in a grey suit with a briefcase in his hand. He was in his forties.

John Mason. Father of Jake and Katja. And also an exact replica of Jake with a few graying hair in his hair the same colour as Jake's.

"Ah John." Grace flicked him off still holding me in the embrace. When she let me go I looked at John and smiled at him.

"Clarissa,it's been so long." John smiled warmly, gently patting my cheek with his huge hand. "You should visit more."

Instead of saying anything I just nodded and smiled again. I was feeling awkward.

" I think I should get going. See you guys. Bye." I waved and walked out of the house hurriedly.

"Bye sweetie." I heard Grace reply and then heard the door close behind me.

Phew. I sighed internally.


Yo yo peeps!

You know what I just found out! Dave Franco is married. He has a freaking wife! What the hell! How didn't I know this,like how?!


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