The Red Swan

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Free at last, free at last.

I'm a HYDRA agent. Well, I was. I was trained to become a master at hiding and investigating. I have been doing it for years. But now that SHIELD is gone, I won't need to hide in the shadows anymore. I guess being an assassin for over fifty years makes you a bad guy. According to Nick Fury.

We didn't exactly get along.

Now that he's dead and SHIELD is gone, I am a free woman. It feels weird. I got so excited, I actually came to DC to see everything. Of course, I only saw the aftermath, but wow. It felt good.

I haven't been able to do as I please for an entire year. What am I going to do with my time? I guess I could get back in business and flaunt my kills again. That would be nice. I could finally remind people how deadly the Red Swan can be.

That's me by the way. I'm the Red Swan. I have no other name, so don't ask. My real name and my life before I became who I am today is forgotten. That's what happens when you're brainwashed.

Who brainwashed me? Just some Nazis that I was able to get away from. The first memory I have was in 1957. They told me how long I have been there, four years. They said my purpose was to create peace with HYDRA.

Once again, I don't remember anything before HYDRA. They let me keep the memories of every excruciating moment after and when they tortured and experimented on me, so I would know what would happen if I disobeyed.

Look where I am now.

I got out, but I don't have all of my brain back. I only have parts of it. Which sucks. I no longer turn into HYDRA's puppet, but I don't remember who I am. That's okay though, I'm in a good mood right now. I'm free from HYDRA and SHIELD. What am I going to do in my free time? Remind people of who I am of course.

Do you know how fun it is to murder weird and random jerks? No? Well, let me fill you in.

First, you have to find the perfect victim. Right now I'm following this creepy perverted man who was checking out a 14-year-old girl.

A 14-year-old.

Cue the music because this guy had it coming.

Anyways, he sits at a park bench stalking some more teenagers, which is already super irritating. Like, I haven't even heard his voice yet. I bet it's all raspy.

What? He looks like a smoker.

I walk in front of the bench and 'accidentally' drop my keys. I bend over making sure to show off my butt as I go to pick them up.

Like girl, I know I have a butt. I do squats.

The creep seems to take the bait. Clearly, he's a really horny idiot. He stands up and goes for the keys in hopes to charm me with his kindness.

"Here let me get those for you," he says and hands me my keys.

"Oh my God! Thank you so much!" I laugh overdramatically, "I am so clumsy!"

God this better be worth it.

"What are you doing at this time of night all by yourself?" He asks and places his hand on my shoulder.

"Just looking for the right guy," I flirt.

Yeah, the right guy to kill.

"Do you think you could give this old man a chance?" the man asks like a child begging for candy.

"Yeah, I think you will be just right."

I take his hand off my shoulder and break his finger. I spin around to face away from him, still holding onto his hand. I flip him over my body with ease.

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