James Buchanan Barnes

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"How are we getting to the museum? I don't think we are going to walk," Bucky says with irritation.

"No, we aren't. It's a good thing I stole these keys along with your clothes," I say with a smirk.

"You shouldn't steal."

"Please tell me you didn't say that. You're the Winter Soldier. You're the bad guy," I scoff.

"According to you, I never was the Winter Soldier. According to you, I was always Bucky. My mission told me I was his friend, a good man. I'm trying to be me," he yells in frustration.

"Look, I don't care who you are, but if you want my help, we do it my way. Do you understand me?" I yell back.

When we get in the car, he goes quiet.

"Look, if it makes you feel any better, just think of it as borrowing," I sigh.

He ignores my statement.

"I just want to know who I am. Don't you want that too?" Bucky asks, his voice much lower and quieter.

Now that someone actually asked me, I have to think about it. I guess I'm jealous of Bucky because he has someone out there. I don't know if I do. If someone was looking for me, then maybe I would want to remember, but no one is. I'm just forgotten and I don't want to remember just to be lonely.

"No. I don't," I simply say, turning away from the man and clicking the keys to find the car in the parking lot.

"Why is that?" he prys.

"This isn't about finding me, it's about finding you. Let's not talk about me. You know the same things I know about me. That's all the information I care about."

"Whatever you say, Red."


The entire way to the museum was silent. Bucky kept his eyes forward and never looked away. I would occasionally look over at him to observe. He seems really tense and nervous. I'm not sure why, but I hope to find out.

When we get there, I decide to ask him if he was okay before we go on.

"Hey, Bucky? Are you sure you want to do this?" I ask stopping my footsteps.

He completely ignores me and keeps walking.

"Bucky wait! You don't even know where you're going!" I shout after him.

He stops and looks back at me. A heavy sigh leaves his lips and a defeated glare stares back at me.

"Thanks for waiting," I say sarcastically.

When we walk in, the museum looks pretty full, but it only opened about an hour ago. I pick up a map of the place, so we can find the exhibit without having to ask people for help.

"So, your name is Bucky. Did you find any other name, or is your name just Bucky?" I ask trying to break the silence.

Once again he remains silent.

"You seemed pretty talkative before. What changed? I know the Winter Soldier is supposed to be very closed off and mysterious, but this is the longest you've gone without telling me to shut up. Even when I was still their puppet, I talked through my missions - "

"Oh my God. You're so annoying," he groans.

"That's the man I know and love," I smile and pat his back.

He looks over at me like I did the dumbest thing in the world. I guess people don't usually touch him.

Wow, he must be lonely.

Finding You and Me: Bucky Barnes FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now