Almost There

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Both teams charge at each other. Slowly gaining speed. I look over at Bucky to see his eyes already searching for mine.

"I love you," I whisper.

"And I love you."

Those who can fly, fly. Those with weapons, get them out. A sword, perfectly crafted, clings to my hand.

Let's do this.

Natasha comes running towards me. I figured it's because she wants to beat me in a fair fight. She won't though.

I swing my blade at her, but she falls to her knees and slides underneath it. She kicks me in the back of my knee, pushing me to the ground. My sword swing behind me and I hear a cry in pain. When I look back, I see Natasha holding her upper arm as it bleeds.

I notice a tiny little speck fly past my eye line and land right in front of Nat. As Scott grows to his normal size, he swiftly kicks her in the face.

I'm so proud.

I turn around and see that the so called panther is still trying to take Bucky down. He is very determined to kill him which leads me to believe he has his own vendetta.

Bucky gets a few good hits in, but judging off of our last couple go arounds, he won't last very long. I run over to Bucky who just knocked black cat to the ground.

Bucky grabs his throat, and I put my sword away. It won't be much help against a vibranium suit.

"I didn't kill your father," Bucky exhales.

"Then why did you run?"

"Because you were chasing us you moron!" I shout behind them.

T'challa removes Bucky's arm and twists it back. He sees me approaching and kicks Bucky aside.

"This does not concern you," he says calmly.

"If it's him, it does concern me," I snark back.

I throw a punch and he doesn't seem phased at all. He releases his claws and tries to strike me. I learned my lesson from last time.

I grab his wrist and spin around so my back is toward him. I easily pull him up over me and throw him a few feet away.

As he gets up, he charges for Bucky again and just as he was about to claw his face off, I pull my sword out and block him. Bucky looks over at me relieved and red energy clasps around T'challa's hands. I look up and see Wanda who is magically just here.

Thank God.

She swings him back far enough to by Bucky enough time to get to the quinjet.


"Thanks, Red," he says as I help him to his feet.

"Yeah, yeah," I sigh, "we don't have much time."

He nods and we start running over to where Steve is standing. When he notices us approaching, he stands up a little straighter.

"We have to go," I say as we take cover behind a truck.

"That guy's probably in Siberia by now," Bucky's anxiety shows.

"We have to draw out the flyers," Steve says looking up in the sky at those who can fly.

"I'll take Vision. Red, get him to the jet," he says and I nod taking Bucky's hand in mine.

"No! You get to the jet. All of you!" Sam commands over coms.

"The rest of us aren't getting out of here," Sam says sadly.

"As much as I hate to admit it, if we're going to win this one, some of us are going to have to lose it," Clint says.

"This isn't the real fight Steve."

"Alright Sam, what's the play?" Steve asks looking over at us.

"We need a diversion. Something big," Sam replies.

"I got something kind of big," Lang says, joining the conversation.

"But I can't hold it very long. On my signal, run like hell. And if I tear myself in half, don't come back for me."

"He's gonna tear himself in half?" Bucky asks just as confused as the rest of us.

"You sure about this Scott?" Steve asks.

"I do it all the time. I mean once. In a lab. And I passed out. I'm the boss. I'm the boss. I'm the boss. I'M THE BOSS!"

"Wait what's the signal?" I ask.

And at that very moment, I see Scott Lang grow. Not to his normal size, oh no. He becomes a giant. He seems just as surprised as the rest of us.

"I guess that's the signal," Steve says as we walk out of our hiding spots.

"Way to go Tick Tack!" Sam congratulates Lang.

Steve, Bucky, and I start running like hell, as commanded, towards the jet. Out of the corner of my eye, I see black cat run after us.

"Good grief," I mumble.

"What?" Bucky asks.

"We gotta run faster. We got company," I explain.

Scott obviously heard me over coms and decided to take care of that problem.

"You wanna get to them? You gotta go through me."

There was a loud crash, but I need to keep focusing on the task at hand. I turn off my coms and run faster. Faster than Bucky, but not as fast as Steve. We were so incredibly close. So close, yet so far.

A tower next to the entrance of the quinjet starts to tumble, and I start to worry that we won't make it. Wanda catches it, buying us more time. Steve looks back and it only slows him down.

"Let's go! We're running out of time!" I shout and Steve goes back to running.

I hear Wanda cry out and she lost control. I push myself and the two men with me harder so we can make it to the jet. We almost didn't make it, but we did.

Now we have another problem.

Natasha Romanoff.

"You're not gonna stop, are you?" Nat asks.

"You know I can't," Steve says.

She sighs, "I'm gonna regret this."

She lifts her hand, but she doesn't point it at us. My eyebrows knit together in confusion. When she fires, it lands on a person behind us.

That dude was still following us?!

"Go!" She commands and we all nod and push forward to the jet.

Finding You and Me: Bucky Barnes FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now