Good Nights and Good Days

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The next thing I knew, my lips were connected to Bucky's. He seemed very surprised at first, but his lips soon moved in sync with mine. His hand went behind my back and I tangled my hands in his hair.

That's when things started to esculate.


I feel Bucky stir behind me and I turn around to face him. His eyes slowly open and he smiles when he sees me.

"Good morning," he says and kisses my nose.

He kisses my nose! Like who is this perfect and sweet? No one. I might actually have feelings for this guy.

Woah. Hold on a second, Red. Chill.

"Good morning, Sergeant. We have a big day ahead of us. We get to get our memories back," I smile excitedly.

"When do we leave?" Bucky asks with just as much joy as me.

"Right now! I can't wait any longer!" I exclaim jumping out of bed.

"I'm glad to see you happy again," he softly smiles at me as he starts to get dressed.

"I was pretty happy last night, was I not?" I smirk.

"Very much so," Bucky says and starts to put on some jeans.

"Woah there, soldier. Can you fight in jeans? I can if absolutely necessary, but I prefer not to," I say taking the jeans out of his hands.

"Why would we be fighting?" He asks as I was away.

"We are breaking into the Avengers Tower. I assume there will be some people to expect," I say and pull my suit out of the bag.

"Well, I think we would stand out way too much. Why break in when we could whatch from a distance?" Bucky suggests.

"Fine, but we should still be prepared. We are going out in public. People will always notice, so suit up," I say.

"What makes you think I have it?" He inquires.

"You were wearing it on a mission. You left HYDRA on a mission. It's not like you threw it away, or have it in a storage locker. You only have a bag full of stuff, so I know you have it," I point out.

"I knew I made the right call coming to you for help," he says and pulls out his suit from his bag.

My suit is black and red, just like everything else. It's a skin-tight leather jumpsuit that goes all the way from my ankles to my neck. The base color of the suit is black, but the details are red and it zips up without a problem. There isn't much else to say about it except for the weapon accessories.

I put on my tachi straps and put my favorite knife in my left boot.

I put on a gun holster on either hip and place a simple handgun in each. I have a couple of extra blades throughout the pockets on the suit. One on each thigh, two on each side of my rib cage, and another on my back, under my tachi swords.

Out of the corner of my eye, I see Bucky staring at me. I turn to fully face and see that he is fully dressed and ready to go.

"What?" I ask, wondering why he's staring.

"Nothing, I guess I just forgot that you had a full-on costume."

I laugh at his comment and say, "What can I say? I like dressing up."

I grab my face mask that looks much like Bucky's and placed it on my face. I notice that he isn't wearing his.

"You gonna wear your mask?" I ask.

"No, it's not me. I'm not the Winter Soldier anymore."


You're Sergeant James Buchanan Barnes.

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