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Sam and Steve looked shocked. I look at Bucky as if I was asking permission to tell the story. I know he has his own point of view, but I know the beginning more than anyone.

"1991. I had just come back from Russia. They said they needed me for another mission in the states. I had to kill and retrieve," I sigh.

"What were you getting?" Steve asks.

"The serum. Howard Stark had just perfected it and it was being transported. I was supposed to get it for HYDRA," I explain.

"What do you mean by you were supposed to get it? Didn't you?" Sam asks.

"I love your confidence in me, but before I left, they decided it was the perfect opportunity to wake up the Winter Soldier. He had been asleep for who knows how long after the brainwashing started to malfunction. They wanted to put him on a mission that was important, but didn't involve much dirty work. Just a simple grab," I shrug.

"HYDRA had five volunteers for the serum. Because it was the real deal, they were stronger than Bucky and I. Although they were stronger, they were also new. We were in charge of training them," I say was a gesture towards Bucky.

"They were evolving and quickly overthrew both of us in fights. One day, they decided to rebel. Red and I had orders to escort the higher-ups out safely," Bucky said.

"Who were they?" Steve asked.

"The most elite death squad. They had more kills than anyone in HYDRA history. And that was even before the serum," I sigh.

"They all turn out like you?" Sam scoffs at the two of us.

"Worse," Bucky and I say at the same time.

"The doctor. He control them?" Steve asks, staying on track.

"Enough," Bucky says and looks at the ground.

"He said he wanted to see an empire fall," Steve says, realizing that the death squad is what psycho wanted.

"With these guys, he could do it," Bucky says.

"How?" Sam asks.

We just told you. You want a better explanation? Fine.

"They speak over 30 languages, can hide in plain sight, infiltrate, assassinate, destabilize. They could take a whole country down in one night and you'd never see them coming," I answer.

Sam walks closer to Steve and I can hear them discussing what to do. I honestly don't care about them. I walk over to Bucky and lay a sweet kiss on his lips.

"I'm sorry and all this. I didn't - "

"It's okay Red. I trust you."

I release a breath that I had apparently been holding and start to get Bucky's arm free.

When he is free and standing, arms wrap around my waist and I am being scooped up by the one and only Bucky Barnes. I wrap my legs around his waist and he pushes me up against a wall.

"Well hey there," I laugh.

"Hey," he smiles.

I dip my head down and our noses just brush against each other. When he kisses me, it's the most amazing feeling. His lips are soft and gentle.

He slowly puts me on the ground, but his hands never leave my hips. My fingers find their way to his hair.

"Hey, hey, hey! PDA is not okay!" I hear Sam yell and Bucky and I, unhappily, break apart.

"Technically, this is my warehouse. Meaning it isn't in public," I sigh.

Just as I was about to lean back into Bucky, Steve clears his throat.

"What do you want?" I yell and Bucky chuckles softly into my neck.

"We should probably get to work," Steve says awkwardly.

I roll my eyes, "Wow, you really can't get one minute of peace with the love of your life these days."

"I guess not," Bucky smiles and pecks my lips.

Could he be any more adorable?

As Bucky and I walk hand in hand across the warehouse to my computer setup, I can hear words come from Sam and Steve behind us.

"Are you sure that's the guy that tried to kill us? More than once," Sam asks and Steve laughs.

"The Winter Soldier tried to kill us. That is my best friend, Bucky Barnes," Steve says and I smile at Bucky, who I know is listening.

Steve finally understands.

"I thought I was your best friend?" Sam acts offended.

"I don't know. Bucky's got an extra 90 years of friendship on you," Steve chuckles and starts to catch up to Bucky and I.

"Quality over quantity!" Sam shouts after him.

Oh jeez. This will go on for a while.


"So what exactly are we doing?" I ask as the four of us are all gathered in my warehouse.

"Making a phone call to an old friend," Steve says.

"Um Bucky Barnes is the definition of an old friend, so be a little more specific. Who are we calling exactly?" I ask again.

"Clint Barton," Steve sighs.

"Oh yay! Hawkeye!" I smile.

"I never had the chance of meeting him, but I'm a big fan," I explain my excitement.

"Sam, you said you had a friend?" Steve turned the conversation onto him.

"Friend is a loose term. We met. Once," Sam says, only giving the necessary information.

"What's his name?" I ask.

"Scott, but he goes by Ant-Man apparently," Sam laughs.

"Seriously? Ant-Man?" I laugh with him.

"I know! That's what I was thinking!" Sam laughs harder.

"Guys," Steve scolds and we sober up.

"What about a last name?" Steve asks, trying to keep us on task.

"I'm not sure. All I know is that his name is Scott and he has some sort of shrinking tech," Sam shrugs.

"See, now the name makes sense," I nod and turn my computer on.

"Do you think you can find out who he is?" Steve asks me.

"Of course she can," Bucky answers for me.

"Red is the best investigator HYDRA ever had. In fact, a lot of SHIELD's secrets were discovered by her," Bucky proudly shows me off and I hide a smirk.

"Alright. Ant-Man is a superhero with tech from Pym Technology," I say as I search the name.

"Hank Pym was married and had a kid, Hope. Wife died like 20 years ago, and his daughter helps with the business. Blah, blah, blah, aha!" I shout suddenly.

"Recently was robbed by a Scott Lang who recently got out of jail, but no charges were pressed and the three of them are friends. I assume he now wears the suit," I stand and take a bow.

"Told you she could find him," Bucky nudges Steve and he rolls his eyes, but can't help his smile.

"Alright, so I also strongly believe that Wanda would be a great help," I suggest.

"What makes you say that? I bet you she already signed the Accords," Sam says.

"I highly doubt that. If Wanda signs the Accords the government wouldn't let her see the light of day. She'd be locked up because of her powers and she knows that. I can tell all she wants is to be normal. Signing those papers would take any chance of that happening away," I explain.

"It's worth a shot. I'll call Clint," Steve says and walks away and Sam goes who knows where.

Finding You and Me: Bucky Barnes FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now