Far From Over

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When I dropped everyone off in New York, Steve and I headed back to Wakanda.

We walk through the halls in the Wakandan palace to get to Bucky. He plans on going back on ice. I fully support his decision, but I don't want to say goodbye. Without him, I would have nothing. He means everything to me.

I see Bucky sitting on a bed and I freeze in my tracks. He's talking to someone so he doesn't notice me. Steve does, however, and he stops as well.

"What's up?" He asks.

"I don't think I can do it," I croak.

"Do what?" He asked, confused.

"Say goodbye. I only just got him back Steve. I went years without seeing him. I only got him back for a few weeks. I-I can't do it Steve. I can't," I begin to tear up.

He wraps his arms around me and lets me cry. It feels good. I've never had a friend before.

"It's okay. It's not forever. We don't know how long it will be. It could be days," he reasons.

"Or years," I argue.

"Trust me Red, I don't want to say goodbye either. I haven't gotten to know the Bucky. I'm sad that you'll never know the old one. He was a good man."

"He still is."

We break apart and we walk over to Bucky together. I don't know why, but I'm shaking. I feel like if I see him go, it will be all it takes to destroy me.

We continue to get closer to him and I can't take my eyes off him. He smiles up at the doctor and then he leaves. Bucky's eyes wander as he sits there alone. I look down at my feet afraid to make eye contact. Steve's eyes look around the room and I can feel Bucky's eyes bleed through me.

"Are you sure about this?" Steve asks.

"I can't trust my own mind," Bucky sighs and a little part of me dies.

I hate that he feels this way.

He tries to laugh it off, but I can tell he's hurt just as much.

"So until they figure out how to get this stuff out of my head, I think going under is the best thing. For everybody."

"Not me," I say, finally looking up.

Bucky just gives me a sorry look. I know it's what he wants, but it's not what I want. I know it's selfish, but I wouldn't be here without him. He saved me so many times, and I haven't saved him enough.

"I love you, Red."

"I love you, too, Bucky," my voice cracks and I fall onto Bucky and I notice Steve walking away.

"There's something I need to give you. I've been meaning to, but I keep forgetting," he says and waves to a man.

The man nods and picks up a bag and brings it over to Bucky. I look at Bucky confused, but he just gives me an excited smile.

"You kept your promise, and I kept mine."

"What promise?" I ask as Bucky looks through the bag.

"You found me. I found you," he says and pulls out a book and a flash drive.

I just look at him shocked. How did he find me? When did he have the time? I can't believe he actually did this.

"I did it while I was in Bucharest. You never left my mind. I thought if I never saw you again, I would find a way to get it to you. It took a long time, but it was worth it."

"Bucky I - "

"Just look."

I open the book to see a picture of me with a family. Two boys and one woman. All the photos are very worn and old. I can tell by the way people are dressed most of the photos are taken in the 1940s. I flip one of the photos around and see a description of the photo in blue ink.

Finding You and Me: Bucky Barnes FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now