Fifty Years of Love

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"So," Steve trails off before he can comprehend a full sentence.

"Are you going to put some clothes on?" Sam asks while loading up some supplies he stole from me into a very ugly car.

"That's what I'm doing," I say while I look through my dresser drawers.

"This is a warehouse, Sam. A warehouse meant for me. I didn't exactly put many walls up. The only reason there are walls around my bed is because if there is an emergency, I have an exit for when things go wrong. Walls give me time," I shrug.

"Also, where did you guys sleep?" I ask.

"We didn't," Steve says looking anywhere but at me.

"We were too busy getting this car, and you two happen to prevent any sleep from happening," Sam says and points to Bucky who is walking up behind me.

Steve seems to get very uncomfortable with the current conversation and is trying to distract himself with looking for something, anything.

"I'm sorry Steve. I forgot you were a 90-year-old virgin," I say and Bucky and I laugh at the glare I receive.

"Very funny. If you all are ready to help Bucky escape now, we should probably go meet with Sharon. She has our stuff," Steve says and he and Sam get into a very awful looking car.

Ah, my swords. I can't wait to have them back. And my suit. And my knives. And my everything.

"Shall we?" I say as I turn around and kiss a shirtless Bucky.

A small, but genuine smile appears on his face. I get dressed in some clean clothes and notice Bucky staring at me.

"What's that look for?" I laugh and toss him his shirt.

"I don't really know," he says and puts on his shirt.

"I guess I'm just happy that I can see the real you. Not a person hiding behind a mask. Not the person who has always tried to be better than me. Not the person who feels like they need to hide in the shadows. I can see the person I fell in love with nearly fifty years ago."

"What?" I ask, completely stunned.

"You heard me."

"You fell in love with me fifty years ago?"

"I think so. Part of me always was soft around you. I think it was when you took a bullet for me in Boston 1965. I hadn't known you for very long, but you took a bullet for me. I had no idea why. Over the years I figured it out."

I can't believe it. I always felt something for him and he's telling me that he's loved me for fifty years?! I loved this guy since, well, probably since he became my partner.

"I noticed that you always gave me the cold shoulder ever since that day. You never wanted to let me in and that sucked. I knew it was because HYDRA still treated me as your superior and the face of HYDRA. They treated me as the one and only Winter Soldier. You wanted that. You had been there longer than me. You even helped train me, but that didn't matter to them. You felt like you were in my shadow, but to me, you weren't."

Where is he going with this?

"Whenever I would rebel, they brainwashed me all over again. The only reason I fought it so much was because when I woke up, I had to meet you all over again. Eventually, I stopped forgetting you. I don't know how, but I like to think it's because you were the light in all those years. I never wanted to let it show because I thought they would kill me for it. I didn't want to die without truly knowing you."

I just stared at his blushing cheeks, his smile, his eyes that were looking around the room as he told the story. I just look at him. It was like I didn't know how to speak.

"What?" Bucky asked.

"Nothing. It's just, I don't know. That's a lot to take in," I say and swallow the lump in my throat.

"I know. I understand if you just want to pretend I never said anything - "

"Are you kidding? Hearing that gives me the courage to say this," I walk up to him and hold him in a warm embrace.

"What's that?" Bucky asks, very nervous.


I hear him sigh and laugh.

"God, I hate you."

I back away and slap his arm, the non-metal one.

"What for?" I try to be mad, but I keep smiling.

"For saying one word after I gave you a whole speech," he says and traps me between him and a wall.

"What can I say? You're the sentimental one in this relationship."

Bucky rolls his eyes and kisses me. This time it was short in time, but nothing short of perfect.

"When you two are done, we would really like to go!" Sam shouts.

He has a tendency to interrupt us, doesn't he?

"We should go," Bucky says and scoops me up bridal style.

"You're probably right."


We pull up behind a black car in the middle of nowhere. When Steve exits the car, the woman from before, Sharon, exits hers.

They exchange a few sentences, but nothing I could really catch. I was distracted by Bucky trying to stretch his legs. I can't blame him this car is tiny.

Sharon opens up the truck and I get a glimpse of my swords and Steve's shield.

"Can you move your seat up?" Bucky asks.

"No," replies a very irritated Sam.

I scoop Bucky's legs up onto my lap, so they can stretch out. Bucky seems surprised by the action, but lets it happen. I smile at him and he smiles back.

Steve and Sharon both look at the car and me being me decides to wave like a three-year-old waving at her friend at the park. Steve rolls his eyes, but Sharon ignores it.

Um, ouch.

The two look back at each other and say a few more things. Their lips stop moving and they share a longing look. Steve then grabs her by the waist and they share a passionate kiss. That's when her name, Sharon Carter, finally clicks.

I look over at Bucky and Sam who proudly cheering him on by nodding their heads. I roll my eyes.

"That's Sharon Carter right?" I ask.

"Yes. Yes, it is," Sam says.

"As in Peggy Carter? Founder of SHIELD. Didn't Steve and her have a thing back in 1945?" I ask and they both look at me.

"Oh my God. Steve and I just went to her funeral. They met up afterward," Sam says and Bucky just looks at me sharing the same look of disgust.

"Dude, that's messed up," I say and they agree.

When they break apart and she walks back into her car, Steve looks back at us in the car. We all give him a disgusted look and I shame him with my fingers. Steve just tilts his head as if saying, "Seriously?"

Yes seriously. You're disgusting. Peggy would be disappointed.

When Steve gets in the car, I say three simple words to him.

"You have issues."

Finding You and Me: Bucky Barnes FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now