Bad Luck Magnet

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I stand over the four dead businessmen all in a row. A bright smile beams on my face. The blood from their arms spreads on the floor and I wipe down my blades.

"Come to think of it, we killed these guys. So we basically erased that footage for nothing now," I say.

Bucky just sighs and walks out of the room.

"Wait! Where are you going?" I shout after him.

"The roof!"

"Oh yeah, that's right!"


"Anything?" I ask as Bucky spies through the binoculars I gave him.


Bucky and I have been sitting here for hours. Apparently, Bucky remembers nothing which sucks because I am wasting my time.

"Let me see those," I say grabbing the binoculars.

I put them up to my eyes and scan the building. On one of the upper floors I spot Steve in what looks to be his own bedroom. He is unpacking his things because he moved in yesterday. Because I am clearly a magnet for bad luck, some shit happened.

A bird flew and hit the window and the Captain's attention was grasped. He looks out the window to see what it was, but the bird already dropped. He looks around and eventually finds us.

"Bucky get down!" I shout and collapse to the floor.

Bucky drops down next to me and I slowly peak up to see if Steve is still there. Not only is Spangles still watching, but he seems more invested into what I am doing rather than unpacking.

"Alright, I don't think he's seen you. That's good because he would just end up looking for us which would suck. You don't know the problems that could cause. On my signal, you're going to make a run for it back to our hotel. I'm going to distract him."

I was about to get up, but Bucky pulls me back down. His hands find their way to my face and he pulls my mask off. His lips meet mine in a short, but passionate, kiss. When Bucky pulls away his eyes meet mine and he hands me my mask.

"Be careful, Red. It would really suck if you died."

"Gee thanks," I laugh, "That really means a lot."

I stand up just to see that dear old Cap is no longer standing in his window. I figured he is making his way to me, but I can't let that happen. I scan the building again to see him make his way to the stairs. I assume he is heading for the roof.

I put my mask back on and walk a couple of feet away from the edge of the building. I start to run towards the edge so I can get enough momentum to jump to the other building. As I soar through the air I give Bucky my signal.


When I land, my body rolls in the gravel. I stand and look back to see that Bucky has effectively disappeared. I hear a door burst open and turn to face the one and only Captain America.

His eyes show a man that has a wall put up. A wall that I imagine is very hard to break down. He throws his shield in my direction I catch it without a problem. The force of the shield pushing my back a little, but it doesn't knock me down.

I look down at it and then back at the man who is usually in stars and stripes but is currently in jeans and a t-shirt. I don't blame him. I did catch him off guard.

"I have to say, this is a nice shield. Anyway, I have some stuff I need to get back to so if you don't mind, I would love to go," I shrug.

"Not until you tell me what you were doing," he refuses and gives me a glare.

"Can't do that."

"Why is that?" He questions.

"Can't tell you."

"You're full of secrets aren't you," he takes a strong stance.

"I can't be the only one," I say with his shield still in my hand.

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"I knew you were kind of out of the loop, but I didn't think you were stupid. It means what it means. Everyone has secrets," I reply in a matter-of-fact tone.

"I'm not sure I like you."

"Eh," I shrug, "You wouldn't be the first."

And with that, Steve charges at me. He jumps up and slams his fist down on me, but I block it with his shield. He grabs it and flips me over it and I am forced to let go.

I roll across the roof again, but I push myself off of the ground. Steve runs after me again, but instead of him jumping on me, I jump on him.

My legs wrap around his waist and I pull him to the ground. Gunfire is heard and I turn my head over to the doorway. I see a particular female assassin.

I release the soldier from my hold and run after the Black Widow. Once I'm close enough to her, she stops firing and throws a punch.

Her fighting style is much like mine which makes her predictable, but also hard to get the upper hand on.

She punches my stomach and I kick my leg up, but she catches it. I know she plans to use the hold she has on me to flip me over, but I don't let that happen. Instead, I kick my other leg up and it wraps around her waist pushing her to the ground.

I feel a strong force on the back of my leg and I'm forced to the ground. Steve uses the hand he has his shield in to throw another punch, but I somersault between his legs then kick him in the back. The force causes him to fly a bit forward due to my enhanced strength.

From the side, the assassin kicks my face and my mask comes flying off and I know I'm not walking away.

That was the plan though, wasn't it, Red?

Why yes voice in my head, it was the plan.

I look up at the two standing over me. The woman holding a gun to my face and Cap ready with SHIELD in hand.

"Who are you and what do you want?" Steve repeats his question from earlier.

"Isn't that the million dollar question?" I smirk.

"Tell us and we might let you go," Widow says trying to be the good cop.

"That just takes away all the fun now doesn't it, Miss Romanoff?" I say, my smirk growing wider as my full attention goes to her.

"Natasha?" Steve asks confused, "Who is she?"

"I have no idea," she says and seems sure.

"Aw, I thought we were besties. I figured you would have never forgotten me. I'm just like you," I pause making sure I have her attention.

" We're pretty, but deadly."

Realization hits her and her body softens for a split second. She looks shocked, confused, and terrified. My joy only grows at her reaction. Steve catches on to her temporary disorientation and decides to act. A cold, hard, heavy, metal shield strikes my face and I hit the ground.

Damn, that's gonna hurt in the morning.

Finding You and Me: Bucky Barnes FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now