Bloody Shields

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Tony grabs Bucky's throat and flies him across the room and smashes him to the ground. I run over and take out a knife. I jam it in between two parts on his suit in the shoulder. He groans in pain, so I would assume I stabbed him in the process.

Serves him right.

He was about to get me back, but a red, white, and blue shield hammers him in the arm. It catches the attention of Tin Man and Stark simply pushes me to the side.

Steve hits Tony full on and Stark is pushed back to the ground. He stands up and flies over Bucky and right into Steve. I rush over to Bucky and pull him to his feet.

"Come on. Let's get you out of here while we have the chance," I say, but Bucky resists.

"Not without Steve," he says and we both look over to see Steve being restrained.

"Fine, but if it comes down to you or Steve, I'm choosing you. Is that understood?" I sigh.

"No, Steve got me this far. I can't lose him again, Red," Bucky argues.

"You're too stubborn for your own good."

We run over and Bucky throws a punch from behind, catching Tony off guard. I slide across the floor and kick him in the back of the knee, causing him to stumble, but he doesn't fall.

When he catches his footing he grabs Bucky by the neck again and starts to fly off like before. As he flys over my head, I jump up and grab his leg. My weight pulls him down a little and he at me. Stark tries to shake me off, but I held a tight grip.

I take out another knife as we hit a wall. I start to stab the suit in order to damage it. I don't do a whole lot before a trustee is ignited in my face and I had no choice but to let go and fall.

I hear an explosion and look over to see the Tony launched a mini rocket. Chambers and towers begin to fall over and I remembered that Steve was still tied up.

Pun intended.

I look over and see him click the cuffs open and he dashes over in my direction. Now that I know Steve is okay I look back at Bucky.

Just as a tower was about to crush the metal men, Stark let's go of Bucky and lets him fall. Bucky tumbles across the ground, and I run over to Tony.

I want to smash his metal skull.

And yes, I understand that his skull is not actually metal, but it just sounds cooler.

Tony is crushed under some wreckage giving me the chance to strike. I see the hole on his shoulder from before, and I stab him again in the same spot.

Cold move I know.

What can I say? I'm a Winter Soldier.

Tony, understandably, gets upset and shoots me with one of his blasters across the room. I landed a few feet away from Bucky who is currently running away.

Oh, so now he wants to run.

Tony is about to shoot him in the back of the head and I jump in the air and push Bucky out of the way. I feel a sharp pain in my arm, but I shake it off.

"Thanks, Red," Bucky breathes.

"You have a habit of thanking me," I say, trying to ignore the pain in my arm.

"Well, you have a habit of saving me," he smiles.

I think I'm doing a pretty good job at ignoring the pain now. Like I'm not even kidding. I've gotten plenty of wounds, so it isn't anything new. Just the source of the wound is new.

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