Fancy Business Stereotypes

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"Ready to go?" I ask Bucky heading for the door with my bags in hand.

"Yeah, but we can't just walk out of here looking like this, Red," he says giving me a concerned look.

"You're right," I sigh, "We need to go through the window."

I walk to the other side of the room and open the window. I scan the area trying to find a good place to jump. We are on the seventh floor, so it's too high to just jump to the ground. It's not high enough to jump onto another building, though.

"Got any ideas?" I turn around to face Bucky.

A small, yet still noticeable, smirk appears on his handsome face.

"Maybe one or two."

He reaches into his bag and pulls out an odd looking gun. He walks up next to me and grabs ahold of my waist.

"Do you trust me?" Bucky asks looking me in the eye with excitement.

"I think so," I reply, unsure how to answer.

Bucky makes sure we have everything in our arms before jumping out the window. As we fall to our deaths, Bucky aims the gun in his hands up at the window we just jumped out of.

He fires and a rope shoots out of the gun and attaches to the side of the hotel. We continue to fall, but a bit slower and we end up swinging from the rope about two feet off the ground in an alleyway between the hotel and another building.

"That was a pretty good idea," I say looking at Bucky in shock.

"Thanks," he smiles.

Bucky pulls down on the rope and it detaches from the hotel and we hit the ground, closing the two-foot gap.

"Now what? We can't just walk through the streets of Manhattan," Captain Obvious states.

"Correct. I wasn't planning on getting to this particular alley so easily, so thanks for that," I say and walk behind a dumpster.

I direct Bucky to a motorcycle hidden under a cloth behind the dumpster. He looks at me confused and impressed.

It is a pretty sweet ride.

"I have had this here for a while in case of emergencies on missions. I tended to work around here, so I have quite a lot of shit around the city. No one comes around this area, so I knew it would be safe," I explain.

"Do I want to know what else you have hidden?" Bucky chuckles getting onto the bike.

"I don't know. I think Bucky Barnes might disapprove of me," I snicker.

"Wouldn't be the first time," he laughs with me.

Bucky starts the engine and I hop on the bike, holding onto his back for support. He drives away towards the Avengers Tower so we can continue on our mission.


A couple of minutes later, Bucky and I arrive at the perfect spot to stalk the Captain of Spandex. We are outside a building next to the tower and I am, once again, hiding my motorcycle. Then Bucky and I start to head into the build, so we can go to the rooftop.

When we walk into the building and I can already tell what this place is. It's a typical business that's all fancy looking on the outside, but if you see the dirt inside, you know everyone is just trying to scam you.

How do I know that? The fancy glass panes, marble everywhere, the fancy suits, and the pretty lady at reception. These guys are the reason for the rich business stereotypes.

I see a small group of people walk in our direction and before I can react, I am being pulled around a corner. Bucky presses me up against the wall to avoid being seen. I look up at him in the eye and he looks down at me.

"Thanks for that," I clear my throat and push him off me.

I continue to walk towards the elevator. Except I try a little harder to remain unnoticed.

When we get to the elevator I press the button and thankfully the doors open immediately. I pull Bucky into the elevator with me and press the close button.

Right as the two doors were about to touch, finger slip right through the crack, opening the door again. The man who prevented Bucky and I from going up was talking to another man out of our view, but when he turns to face us, his eyes go wide.

He was about to run away, but I grab his wrist and pulled him in. I knock him to his knees and Bucky grabs him. I turn to press the close button again while Bucky has the man in a choke hold slowly knocking him unconscious.

"Do we care about security footage?" Bucky asks looking up at the camera in the corner as we go up to the top floor.

I sigh, "Unfortunately yes. If they see that they will have more security around and it will only get harder to spy on your best bud in the future."

"That's just peachy," the super soldier says sarcastically.

I hear a ding coming from the elevator that signaled we arrived at our destination. The door slides open and I peak my head out.

"It's clear," I say waving Bucky to exit the elevator.

He walks out dragging the businessman by his left leg. I laugh when I see the sight, but I don't comment.

When we turn around the corner I spot a custodial closet. A small smile appears on my features and I point him out to Bucky. He nods, knowing what I'm thinking.

While he stuffs the body in the closet, I look for a room with a computer. I need to hack into the system to erase the camera footage.

When I find one, I sneak in and close the door behind Bucky and I. I skeet across the room and unlock the computer. Bucky observes over my shoulder because he has nothing else to do.

You had to jinx it didn't you, Red?

I hear lots of footsteps and voices outside the room. I look over my shoulder at Bucky and he makes his way to the door.

"How close are you?" he whispers from across the room, preparing for them to enter the room.

Just as the doorknob starts to turn, I finish my work and sign out of the computer. I race across the room to face Bucky on the opposite side of the door.

When the door swings open, four men walk through. We still go unnoticed until one of the men drop their pen. As the band over to pick it up, I end up in their eye line.

"What the hell? Who - "

"Red Swan, it's a pleasure, but I have shit to get to. I would love to chat, but I can't."

I take a blade and throw it in his direction and it lands in their chest. Bucky charges at another man throwing punches. I jump up and grab one of the men's neck with my thighs and slowly close tighter. He struggles to breathe and he drops to the ground. I look over a Bucky standing over two dead bodies.

"That was fun," I say, but Bucky looks, not only disappointed, but confused.

"What is it, Buck?" I ask, concerned.

"Probably nothing, let's get back to work."

I obviously wonder what his facial expression was for, but I figured it's best to let him figure it out. If he wanted to tell me, he would have. I will respect his decision making because that's what I would want.

"Oh my god!" I screech in excitement.

"What?" Bucky laughs.

"You get to help me stage the bodies!"

He sighs looking at his feet.

"Oh, joy."

Finding You and Me: Bucky Barnes FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now