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Have you ever just wanted revenge? I have, on multiple occasions. This time I'm after Brock Rumlow. He's a trained HYDRA agent, meaning he can be hard to find. I haven't been looking for that long. I have been focusing on my recreational activities for the past couple of months.

It's been about a year since I last talked to Bucky. I have kept an eye on him though. He is still in Bucharest. I guess he really likes living normally. I can't say I blame him after everything we have been through, but living normally isn't something I can do. He remembers how to do that. I don't.

That is why I am taking my anger out on the people responsible. Brock Rumlow is one of them. I heard he goes by Crossbones now. It's a little much if you ask me.

I found out where he plans on going yesterday. Apparently, they want to get ahold of this bioweapon in Lagos. I don't know why, nor do I care. I just want to end him.

I knew that plan would come in handy soon.

Anyways, that's where I am now, Lagos. I am standing on a rooftop when I notice what looks to be some sort of drone fly by my head.

My eyes follow the robot as it slowly approaches a garbage truck. I thought there was something sketchy about it and now I know I'm not the only one. That also means I am not here alone. Probably the Captain and his band of misfits.

I turn around in the direction where the drone came from and I see a man jump off of a building as wings expand. The man soars across the sky and my suspicions were confirmed.


I look back at the truck and it rams right through the entrance of the Infectious Disease ward. I assume that's where the bioweapon is being held.

Two other trucks skeet on through and make a halt when they pass. The cargo doors fly open and HYDRA agents flood out. I doesn't take long for me to catch sight of the so-called Crossbones. He is heavily armed and doesn't seem to care about the fight going on around him.

A few agents line up and shoot gas into the building and then I realize something.

What am I doing just standing here? Go after him, nimrod!

The building I was standing in was too far away, but it was still a run. I jump off and run over the feud happening.

When I get to the doorway I hear a loud crash from behind me. Out of pure curiosity, I look back and see good old Spangles.

He tosses his shield around, throws a few punches, kicks some cars around. You know, the usual. He was running up to another agent on top of a car as if to take him down. Me being dramatic, wanted to make a cool entrance.

I throw a knife that lodged itself perfectly in the back of the agent's neck and he falls to the ground. Oh my God. I wish you could have seen the look on Capsicle's face.


"Captain," I salute to him.

"Miss Swan," he nods.

Now, just so you understand I do watch Netflix. I may have stolen someone's account. I get bored okay? I can't always be killing people. I have a life outside of my life.

"Miss Swan? What is this Once Upon a Time? Please, call me Red," I say.

He just nods before speaking through his coms. I knew he had a whole team type deal, but I wonder if it's just him and Sammy. Natasha is too good for this and this is way below the Avengers pay grade.

Wait, do they get paid?

Oh my God. Do they?

I'm totally asking them later.

Finding You and Me: Bucky Barnes FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now