That Bloody Messanger

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So I was there and helping the Avengers out with some ass kicking when some magic chick showed up and blew up a building. Usually, I wouldn't care, but you have to a good guy when you're with superheroes.

I rented out this little airport hanger in Lagos for my plane. And by rented out I mean I just hacked into their system. I was heading back there now, but before I even got to the airport, I saw the news.

It wasn't the Avengers blowing up buildings or trashing the streets that got my attention. I was there, I saw that already. What did catch my attention was the swan in the background.

Most people didn't even notice, but those who did were just confused and disturbed at the sight.

The swan is covered in blood, painting it completely Red. The bird is tied up and hung by a rope from a lamp post.

If you're wondering, this is what people did to get my attention. That's how they would contact me, but it's been a while since someone has done that. It's been about 20 years since someone messaged me. Not because I'm lonely, I am we know, but it's because I never had to communicate outside of HYDRA since the 90s. This means only someone who has done their homework on me would know what this is.

That person is the one and only Black Widow.

I would have gone back to the city, but I heard that they are moving upstate. Well, the Avengers have just not all their shit yet. Because of that, I head to the new Avengers facility.

You might be wondering, "Red, why are you actually going?" To answer your question, I have no clue. I have nothing better to do. I guess I would also like to know who the hell Witch Bitch is. That is totally what I'm calling her. Screw Wanda, Witch Bitch sounds better.


"I didn't think you would get my message," the assassin says as I walk into the building.

A swarm of security people rush over to me and try to pat me down. I understand why. They don't want armed criminals roaming around the place, but if I was here to kill them, I wouldn't have just walked in. Like I would have snuck it and gone full stealth mode. I'm not stupid.

"If you want to keep your hands, you will stay the fuck away from me," I threaten them and look over at Natasha.

She nods them off and she directs me down the hall. She walks by my side and doesn't say a word. I keep quiet even though the silence is killing me.

The rooms look pretty much the same. There isn't much to look at, really. Just desks inside offices, mini gyms to train in. We slowly approach a small room.

Romanoff leads me into what looks to be a conference room. It's nothing too special. It has a table and some chairs. A balcony, glass everywhere. You know the usual.

Note the sarcasm.

"Wait here," she says and just leaves.

Did she seriously just leave me here alone?

Wow, she really does trust me.

While I wait, I snoop around. I have nothing better to do, so why not? I look through a series of drawers along the back wall.

"Bingo!" I shout as I find a bottle of brandy.

I pull a knife out from my jeans and use it to peel off the seal. I then remove the cap and jug.

How did they not notice the knife? I'm really good at my job, okay?

"You must be the famous Red Swan," a voice says from behind and I spin around to face him.

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