The New Recruits

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It's finally happening. I get to meet Clint Barton, Hawkeye. I always knew it would be because something went down and we would all be joined together. We as in Bucky, Natasha, Clint, and I. Way back when I first met Nat and heard about Clint, I knew I wanted us to be a team. Of course, that was when we were enemies. I guess Nat and I are again because she signed those stupid papers.

I understand why she did, but I still hate it. She thought she was too dangerous and deserved to controlled after everything she had done. What I don't understand is that she didn't see that SHIELD controlled her actions and they made her do some not okay stuff. What makes her think this will be any different?

Anyways, I'm meeting Clint and Scott in a few minutes. We're all meeting at the airport where we will be boarding the quinjet.

You might be asking, "Red, why don't you guys take your own plane?" And to answer your question, I would say, "I would love to, but the government searched and found my plane when they took us in. I no longer have access to it. It really sucks."

I stop my internal babbling when Steve pulls into a parking space a couple of spots away from a white van. Steve and Sam exit the car and I see Clint and Wanda exit the van. I want to stretch my legs and meet Clint, so I got out as well.

"Cap," Clint greets.

Wait am I even supposed to call him Clint? Are we really on a first name basis?

"You know I wouldn't have called if I didn't have any other choice," Steve says and they shake hands.

"Hey man, you're doing me a favor," Barton says, without a care in the world.

"Thanks for coming with," Steve says to Wanda and I look eyes with Clint he gives me an odd look.

"It was time to get off my couch," Wanda shrugs.

"Who's this?" Clint asked pointing to me.

"This is Red," Steve sighs, but still allows me to step forward and extend my hand for shaking.

"I'm Bucky's girlfriend," I say and Clint raises his eyebrows in surprise.

"The girlfriend is going to fight with us?" Clint scoffs.

"I'm offended. Do you really not recognize me? Maybe Nat didn't mention me," I say and put a hand over my chest.

I notice Sam rolled his eyes, but Steve just ignores the situation and talks to Wanda. Barton's eyes widen as he finally puts it together.

"Wait. Red, as is the Red Swan? Seriously? Since when are you fighting on the good side?" Clint asks shocked.

"Technically I'm not. We're all criminals and fighting against the government, which is supposed to be the good side. Then again, good and bad is a matter of perspective, as is the truth," I shrug.

"Anyways," Steve interrupts.

"How about our other recruit?" Steve asks.

Clint nods and walks back to the van.

"He's ready to go. Had to put a little coffee in him," Clint says as he opens the side door of the white vehicle.

When he opens the door, we see Scott laying across the seats. When the door is fully opened, the man jumps awake.

"He should be good."

Steve and I both look at Sam with a 'for real?' look. Sam just rolls his eyes and looks up while exhaling a disappointed breath. I think he's thinking the same thing we are.

For real?

Scott Lang doesn't look at all intimidating or like a criminal. He looks like a vanilla dad who spends his nights talking about his day over a spaghetti dinner. Sad really.

Scott lazily crawls out of the van and looks at Barton.

"What time zone is this?" Lang asks, his eyes still adjusting to the light.

"Come on," Clint says and nods in our direction.

When Scott lays his eyes on Steve, his eyes pop out of his head. He looks back at Clint who closes the door to the van. I laugh at the reaction of Lang, but Steve just shakes his hand.

"C-Captain America," he says in disbelief.

"Mr. Lang."

"It's an honor. I'm shaking your hand too long. Wow, this is awesome. Captain America, hey I know you too. You're great," he says as he looks back at Wanda.

Out of cringe, I walk back to the ugly car to see Bucky standing by it looking at the group. I walk up next to him and take his metal hand in mine.

"Are you sure about this guy?" Bucky asks.

"Not at all, but Sam seems," I pause rethinking my next words.

"We're screwed," I say and Bucky laughs.

He turns to face me and kissed my forehead. Bucky's smile always makes me smile. Part of me hates him for that. Sometimes I want to be unhappy. I feel like I don't deserve to be happy. I don't deserve James Buchanan Barnes.

"We should get moving!" Bucky shouts over to the group.

Clint says something else, but I was distracted by Bucky's hand on the small of my back. He sent shivers up my spine.

Something is said over the loudspeaker, and I decide to translate for those who don't speak German. Aka, everyone here except Bucky. Actually, Steve and Clint might, but I'm not really sure. Either way, I translate.

"They're evacuating the airport."

It wasn't exact or all of the message, but it was enough information for them. Steve mumbles a few other things to those who were with him. I guess giving them more information since some are a little late to the party.

"Stark?!" Lang shouts in surprise.

I guess they just told him.

"Suit up!" Steve shouts.


"Okay, Sam your job is to get Bucky to the plane. That's the number one priority. You'll know when to move. Clint, Wanda, you'll engage, but not head on. You'll come from behind and from the sides. Lang, you'll be by my side, but out of sight. You're the surprise element. Be surprising. Can you do that?" Steve explains.

"I have some ideas," Lang nods.

"What about me?" I ask.

"You're only here in case everything goes wrong," Sam says.

I threw a knife at him, but Bucky catches it right before it was about to hit his eye. Bucky, of course, laughs, Steve glares at me, Sam jumps, and Wanda, Clint, and Lang just take a couple of steps away from me.

"Red," Steve sighs.

"What? I knew Bucky was gonna catch it," I mumble to myself.

I wish he didn't.

"Red, just stick with Sam and Bucky on the escape squad," Steve said and everyone disperses.

Escape squad? No way.

"No way! I want to fight! If you think I stayed to help just to run away, you're wrong. I can talk. I'm very persuasive. I can be useful!" I object and run after Steve and Scott.

"Fine. Just don't talk unless necessary. Understood?" Steve asks.

"Yes, sir!" I salute and Scott shrinks out of sight.

"This is so weird! I'm on Captain America's shield!" Scott says over coms.

I look at Steve and he nods.

"Let's get into positions."

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