Commitment and Helicopters

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I feel cold, strong hands shake me and I jolt awake. Without even thinking, I restrain the person who woke me and slammed them to the ground.

I'm an assassin. What did you expect? When I finally recognized who woke me, I feel bad immediately.

"Sorry, Steve," I say and offer a hand up.

"It's fine. Let's just find Bucky," he says and take my hand.

I pull him to his feet and we rush in the direction Bucky was headed before he knocked me unconscious.

We pass wreckage in practically every room we pass. Broke tables, broken chairs, people crying and in pain. It breaks my heart knowing Bucky was the one who did it. He was okay, but some douche showed up and ruined it all.

"Where would he go?" Steve asks me.

"We are trained to leave as soon as a mission is completed. For all we know, he completed his mission. He's probably looking for some sort of escape," I explain.

"Well, it's not like he just walked out the front door. There would be some sort of evidence of that, so - "

"The roof."


I start walking to the stairwell and go up each flight.

"Rooftops. They can show many possible exits. It also gives the freedom of leaving without resistance. No one in their right mind would jump off a rooftop, but a brainwashed person might. We did it often," I shrug as I rush up the stairs and Steve follows.

"Whatever you say," he sighs in agreement.

When we reach the doorway to the roof, Steve bursts it open without even hesitating.

Remember a while back when I said I have really bad luck? That still is a major part of my life. Because of our outstanding luck, note the sarcasm, there was a freaking helicopter on the roof which Bucky is currently flying away in.

Steve runs over and jumps up, grabbing the helicopter. He pulls it closed down to the ground, but it still is pulling him off the roof. Steve manages to grab a pole and prevent the aircraft from going any further.

Although I'm committed to Bucky, that is quite an attractive sight. Like, look at those arms.

Bucky was clearly upset at me for checking out Steve because that man tried to rip Steve to shreds with the propellers of the helicopter.

Steve rolled out of the way and kept his head down out of the way. The helicopter spun around in circles, making that kid's game helicopter way too real for me.

I still haven't made a step closer to the two of them because I would only get in the way. I would be of no help whatsoever.

When the helicopter finally makes it to a stop, Steve looks up at me and tries to get to his feet. Before he does, a metal smashes through the glass and grabs Steve's throat.

"Steve!" I shout and run over to them in hopes of breaking him free.

Steve struggles as the helicopter is about to fall over the edge and off the roof. I break the excess glass away and try to pry Bucky's hand off of Steve, but he doesn't budge.

And like a flash of light, the helicopter goes over the edge and into the water, Bucky's hand still attached to Steve. I jump off the roof and follow them in.

I swim deep down and see Steve floating away and Bucky unconscious. I tap Steve's shoulder from behind and I guess I scared him because he quickly spins around. He relaxes when he sees me and I gesture for him to swim to the surface. He's hesitant, but he listens.

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