The Bomb in the Head

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It's about 4 am. I still haven't gone to bed, but it's too late now. Bucky is still asleep and I don't plan on waking him. I have to get everything ready to leave.

I leave the motel room and make my way for the parking lot. The one and only car in the parking lot is still there. Thank God for that otherwise Bucky and I wouldn't be going much further.

After fifty years of training, you learn how to break into a car, but there's no point in hot wiring it either because the keys are just waiting inside room 1A.

Once I'm back into the motel, I head towards the front desk to grab two paper clips and a book. After the paper clips and book are safely in my possession, I go to the room next to ours.

I crouch down in front of the lock and unfold the paper clips. The first paper clip I unfold completely then fold in half. I flattened the halves together by pressing them between the book and the floor. I then fold the paper clip out a little, forming an 'L' shape for my tension rod.

The second paper clip I unfold the first to bend. I then form a small loop and break off the excess wire making a rake.

It's hard to explain, so just pretend you know what's going on.

I insert my tension rod and my rake into the lock of the door. It doesn't take long for me to line up the lock pins. Within seconds I unlocked the door.

I open the door and walk in quietly. I see a woman about 30 years old sleeping in a queen bed. Just by looking at her I can tell she's organized. Because of that, I know her keys are in her purse and her purse is placed neatly on the dresser.

Guess who was right. Me!

I rummage through her purse and pull out her key ring. I find her car keys along with some others. I contemplate leaving the extras behind, but what's the fun in that? We could take her stuff along the way. And with that, I leave the room without a trace and return the book to the front desk. While I'm there I take any cash that I can find, because you know how it is.

Gotta stock up!

I head back into Bucky and I's motel room and open the door then quietly close it behind me. I feel a presence behind me. Like right behind me. I obviously know who it is. I'm not stupid. Before even turning around, I address the man.

"It's rude to sneak up on people, Bucky."

"Considering that you stole a car, crashed it, and conned a man into letting us stay here, I don't think I am the rude one," he bluntly says and I turn around.

"Actually, I stole two cars," I say and proudly hold up the car keys.

"Remind me again why I decided to work with you," he said, but with a more questioning tone.

"Well, I am the only one who is willing to help you and the only one who can. Besides are we actually going to count up the bad things we've done? If so, I know a lot about you mister Winter Soldier. The people only know so much, but now they can just google you. At least I didn't care who knew when I killed or broke the laws," I snap.

"It's not that I cared if people knew, I wasn't supposed to. It was part of my mission to stay hidden. I only came into the light if I had to. The most anyone has ever seen of me is with Captain America because those were hard times for HYDRA," he defends himself.

"Oh because you cared so much about HYDRA. Being brainwashed isn't always a great excuse. News flash Bucky, I was brainwashed too, but I still hated them."

Shit. That was too far.

I know what it feels like to be brainwashed. I know he had no control over his actions. Sometimes it's like someone completely pushed you out of your own body. Other times, it can be even worse. You're in your body and can see everything, but you're just a passenger who has no control of the wheel.

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