The Chambers of Secrets

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We approach the entrance to the base. The place where they kept us. I hated it here. I hate being here. I knew they were still alive, but I just hoped they would stay buried.

Guess it's time to find out if they remember me.

"He couldn't of been here more than an hour," Steve observes the open doorway.

That doesn't mean that he didn't wake those psychos up.

"Long enough to wake 'em up," Bucky says what I'm thinking.

We slowly walk in. Steve first, then Bucky, then me. I honestly start to get nervous walking here. So many vivid memories I'm surprised Bucky isn't flipping his lid.

Bucky directs Steve to the elevator to the lower levels where they kept us. Well, where they kept them. Bucky and I were trusted and honored. We were treated like kings, yet slaves at the same time. It's exactly what we were.

We even passed the room Bucky was tortured in. I know he knows we passed it because he looked everywhere but at that chair.

I remember walking on this path every day. I saw him bleed and struggle. I heard him scream and cry. I could smell the burnt flesh and the chemicals. It was torture for me, too.

When the elevator makes its stop, the three of us nod in reassurance. The doors slide open and we slowly exit, prepared for an ambush.

Bucky leads the way up a narrow stairwell followed by Steve, then me. A crash is heard from behind and we all turn. Steve crouches behind his shield and I take out a sword. I kneel down, so I'm not at their eye line when they, whoever it is, enters.

A door is attempted to be opened and we can hear the intruder is getting close.

"Ready?" Steve asks.


"I'm ready for everything," I exhale, but I only say it to convince myself.

When the door is slid open, we are met with Tin Man. Stark doesn't seem to want to attack, but that doesn't change the fact that I don't trust him.

As a sign to show that he is here as a friend and not an enemy, he removes his helmet. He walks up to us casually.

Steve stands behind me and a slide out of the way, letting him pass. Steve walks towards Stark, still not putting his shield down.

"You seem pretty defensive," Tony states the obvious.

"It's been a long day," Steve says with curiosity in his voice.

"At ease soldier! I'm not currently after you," he says to Bucky.

"Then why are you here?" I ask as I stand to my feet.

"Maybe his story's not so crazy," he answers, not really looking at any of us.

That's a good thing. He doesn't want to admit that he was wrong. This means he actually believes us and wants to help.


Yeah, he believes us. No doubt about it.

"Ross has no idea I'm here, and I'd like to keep it that way. Otherwise, I gotta arrest myself," Stark shrugs leaning against a wall.

I would pay to see that.

"Well, that sounds like a lot of paperwork," Steve says, still unsure of it all and Tony just scoffs.

"It's good to see you, Tony," Steve says lowering his shield finally.

"You too, Cap."

"Swan, please tell your boy toy to put his gun down. He's killing me here. There's a truce here," Tony turns to me.

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