Mattresses and Gun Shots

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Steve and I walk into Bucky's apartment all suited up. I am a little more nervous. He seems determined to find him though. Steve roams the kitchen just out of curiosity, and Steve finds a notebook.

The notebook I was using to keep track of everything. I gave it to him before he left.

"What's this?"

"His memories," I simply say and walk out onto a balcony.

I can't believe he's still looking. I thought he would've given up by now.

Sam says something over the coms, but I'm freaking out too much to fully catch what he said. Steve says something that catches my attention though.

"Do you know me?"


He's here.

"You're Steve. I read about you in a museum," Bucky softly says.

"I know you're nervous, but you're lying."

"I wasn't in Vienna I don't do that anymore," he tries to explain.

"Well, the people that think you did are coming here now," Steve presses.

I run back into the apartment.


"Red?" Bucky asks surprised.

"What are you doing here?" he asks.

"We came to come get you," I say trying not to sound emotional.

"I thought you didn't care about me anymore," he says with a bit of attitude.

"Of course I still care Bucky. I'm so sorry I left."

"Look," Steve interrupts, "They aren't planning on taking you alive."

"That's smart. Good strategy," Bucky says looking down at his feet.

"They're on the roof I'm compromised," Sam says over coms.

"This doesn't have to end in a fight Buck," Steve says.

"It always ends in a fight."

"You pulled me from the river! Why?" Steve asks.

Really now the time Captain.

"I don't know."

"Yes, you do."

"Breach! Breach! Breach!" Sam says over coms.

I bomb flies through the window and lands at my feet. I quick kick it over to Steve who catches it under his shield before it explodes.

The door starts to bang as the enemy tries to break it down. Gunshots fly through the window at Bucky and I and he pushes me out of the way and lifts the mattress for coverage.

Agents break through the window and I decided to use them as target practice. Bucky charges at one headed for Steve and tosses them out the door.

"Buck stop!" Steve yells and places a hand on Bucky's shoulder, "You're gonna kill someone!"

Bucky grabs Steve's hand and flips him over so he is on the ground. He raises his fist and goes to punch to Steve, but instead punches a hole in the floor.

"I'm not gonna kill anyone," he says in return and pulls his backpack from the ground and throws it out the window.

More agents swarm in from in front and beside. Bucky blocks the bullets with his arm and Steve does the same with his shield.

Bucky pushes Steve into a couple of agents out the window and rushes towards me and the door with his metal arm extended.

When one of the agents was in my sights, I threw a cinder block at his stomach. Bucky grabs ahold of one of the agents and slams them down into the countertop. He goes to pick up another cinder block, but before he can use it, I wrap my legs around the target's neck and slam him to the ground. Bucky shrugs and drops the weapon.

"I missed you," he says.

"I missed you too," I smile.

We both hear gunshots towards the front door and we get into position. Him on the left, me on the right.

"On my signal, kick the door down," Bucky instructs.

Just like the good old days.

About a second later Bucky smashes his metal arm into the wall. I guess that's his signal. I kick the door down and a couple of agents fall under it.

An agent crashes from the glass ceiling from a line and starts shooting at us. I jump up and swing on the line. I push the man off and he falls I don't know how many stories. I jump off the line and back onto the stairs.

Bucky and I stand on opposite sides of the stairs and they all run over to me. Bucky uses the line and swings over to me. I throw a couple of punches and kicks and then manage to knock a few up.

No, I did not impregnate any of them geez.

One grabs Bucky from behind and Bucky slams him into a wall. I jump over the rail and swing back in towards the wall, kicking unconscious.

I see a man fly over the rail right in front of my face, but he stops mid-air.

Excuse me?

"Come on man," Steve sighs from above.

Oh. Never mind.

I hear a lot of snapping come from above me and I look up to see Bucky ripping the railing off and swing towards the door on the floor I'm on. He kicks it in and, I guess it hits someone in the process. He pauses and looks over at me with apologetic eyes.

"It's okay," I say and he gives a small, sad, smile.

I see a shield wedge itself into a wall and I look up. Steve, Bucky and I all exchange looks. A look of, "I'm so done with this."

Bucky and I look back at each other. He smirks and I know what he's thinking. He wants to do what we did in Dublin.

"No, Bucky, I pulled my shoulder out of place when we did that," I complain.

"It will be fine. Now we know what to expect," he pleads.

"Yeah, extreme pain," I look up at a confused Steve.

"Do you see what I had to deal with for fifty years?" I ask and point to Bucky.

"Fine," I sigh and allow Bucky to grab my waist.

We jump over the edge and start to fall.

"Now!" Bucky yells and we grab the rail, bending the heck out of that thing.

"Mother of pearl" I scream.

I popped it out AGAIN.

He jumps over the rail and helps me up. He takes my arm and looks at me to ask permission.

"Just do it!" I yell.

Bucky snaps it back into place and I rub my shoulder in pain. I hear him laugh as he walks away.

"Oh, so you think this I funny?" I ask as he breaks down a door that leads outside.

"A little bit yeah," he smiles.

"I hate you," I laugh with him.

I look out and notice that Bucky's bag is on the rooftop on the building next to this one. I assume we are about to jump over to it, so I take my stance.

All of a sudden I feel strong hands on my hips and I am being pulled in. I look up and how close Bucky is to me.

"I'm so sorry about everything," he says.

"Me too."

I pull his lips down to mine and we share a long passionate kiss. His tongue slips through my lips and takes control. I push my body against his and run my fingers through his hair.

We break away, but our noses still touch. We both are breathing pretty heavy. I open my eyes and look directly into Bucky's.

"We have to go," I say, remembering we are in the middle of running away.

He sadly agrees not wanting to leave the moment.

"I know."

We run side by side as we build momentum to jump across the sky.

That's what it feels like when I'm with him.

It feels like I'm flying.

Finding You and Me: Bucky Barnes FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now