Favors and First Aid Kits

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I look over at Bucky and we both nod. He starts to open fire on the incoming agents. A few close by agents charge at me because I'm too close in range to bother wasting a bullet.

I pull a tachi out from behind my back and slice the first agent across the chest, instantly killing him. The momentum from my previous swing powers my next blow to the second agent. I cut a deep line across his stomach, blood pooling out of him as he falls to the ground. I hear footsteps behind me and I take my sword and stab it behind me at waist level, striking the man behind me in the stomach.

I turn around, remove my sword, and flick the blood off of it. I place my sword back into its strap and pick up on me of the dead agents gun. I spin around me slowly shooting everyone I see.

I notice an agent about to strike Bucky from behind and I aim to shoot him. When I pull the trigger, all I hear is a click, but no bullet exits the barrel. I quickly toss the gun aside and grab for my knife. I throw the knife in his direction, and it lands softly in the man's neck. Bucky notices my action and nods thanks in my direction.

Clearly, Bucky and I are very efficient because as I scan the area, only about 5 more men, plus Rumlow, remain. It's only been like 10 minutes too. Like dang, go us.

Bucky starts to fire again towards the five extra men and I slowly, yet dramatically, make my way to Rumlow.

"I would love to sit and catch up, but I have places to be. You know how it is," I shrug.

"Cut the chat, Red. I just want to enjoy killing you. It's hard to do that when I hear your voice."

Brock runs at me throwing a couple of punches. I dodge them all because I have like 30 plus years of experience than he does.

I begin to get bored and I can start to hear him get a little tired from throwing blows. He starts to get sloppy and I easily kick him in the stomach which make him groan out in pain.

Rumlow isn't one to give up, and I know he will keep attacking me no matter what. The only way out of this is for him to die.

I will enjoy killing him after all the shit he did to me.

As I start to get a little deeper into fighting this asshole, I glance over at Bucky. There's not a single agent still standing. A couple are still alive, but not strong enough to fight, so they just lay there. Bucky looks absolutely destroyed. He's not the Winter Soldier anymore meaning Bucky did this.

Ah shit. That means I have to be the good guy now.

The next punch Rumlow throws in my direction are fought. I grab his fist and spin in towards him. I flip him over my body within seconds and he lays on his back.

Before he even has time to flinch, I place my foot on his throat. I slowly press harder, closing his airways. Rumlow starts to struggle, but he eventually stops movement altogether.

I look up at Bucky and he just looks torn from the inside out. He makes direct eye contact with me and looks like a puppy begging for his life.

Ah, I can't deal with this.

"Don't worry he's alive. He'll wake up in an hour or two. Let's go," I explain and head towards the man with the knife in his neck.

I lean down and dig my knife out and wipe as much blood as possible onto his uniform. Bucky looks over at me confused when I walk to the car.

"What? It's my favorite knife. I'm not just going to leave it," I state in an obvious tone.

He laughs a little and gets back into the driver's seat. When I get back into the passenger's seat, I see Bucky place his gun back into his bag.

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