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Son of a gun.

My head is throbbing.

Who knew that getting punched in the face with Captain America's shield would hurt so much?

I do now.

I wake up in a small glass box, but I can't really tell what everything is. My vision is still very blurry. I hear a pounding on the glass which sounds like an explosion in my ears.

"She's awake," someone says.

I don't know who, but my guess would the Captain's new right-hand man, the Falcon. I have not officially met him, but I saw his work in DC. It was pretty impressive for so little outside training.

"No shit Sherlock, I'm moving," I say, trying to stand up.

My vision starts to clear when I am officially on my feet. The only people in the room are the Falcon, Captain America, and my good old friend Natasha Romanoff.

We have a history.

"So, you call yourself the Red Swan," the Captain says.

"Yes. I figured I should have a name," I simply state the truth.

"What about your real name? Do you not have one?" Cap continues to question.

"Oh, did she not tell you? Or maybe she just didn't know," I sigh.

"Know what?" Widow steps forward.

"Before I answer that, what do you know? I don't want to repeat the same information."

The assassin starts to pace the room as she speaks. It's as if she is trying to piece it together on the spot. Even she couldn't solve the puzzle.

"The Red Swan has had a legacy since about 1960. Studies show that it was more than one person and the title is just passed down."

First mistake.

"When the Red Swan kills, she marks her prey by engraving her name into their arms. She is known for her blades and hand to hand combat skills, but overall she's normal."

Second mistake.

"She is an assassin now known for working with HYDRA, but before the files were released her motives were unknown. When SHIELD got too close, she went underground for about a year, until now."

She pauses and sucks in a breath.

"I had a run-in with the Red Swan in 2007. I was on a rescue mission to get an agent of SHIELD. Everything was fine, but something got in my way. A knife landed in my knee and I couldn't walk. I eventually passed out due to blood loss. When I woke up, there was a note in my pocket. It was written in red ink with an envelope that had a picture; a symbol. A bloody swan on the front. The note said, 'Be grateful you're alive. I'm sorry your mission failed. I highly respect you, but you got in my way. Us swans are graceful and have much beauty, but don't get too close. We're pretty, but deadly.' After that, I did some research. The only things I found were things I told you. No one knows a single thing about her."

Steve looks between Falcon and the Black Widow. He allows Natasha to have a minute of silence because she clearly needed it. Apparently, I caused a lot of trouble in her life. I think she's just being dramatic, but whatever.

I give a dramatic slow clap just to be that person, you know?

"Wow," I cut in, "I didn't know the information people had on me could be so wrong."

They all look at me in shock. I figured they would know that some of it would be wrong, but I clearly overestimated their intelligence.

"What do you mean?" Steve asks.

Finding You and Me: Bucky Barnes FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now