The New Guy

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Bucky and I hit the roof. Hard. We both roll over, but Bucky manages to grab his bag as he stands up. We continue our run for it.

"My plane isn't far!" I yell over to Bucky.

"Let's go!" He shouts back.

I see a shadow grow by our heads and it doesn't look very friendly.

"Bucky look out!"

It's too late. A man is a catsuit jump on top of Bucky and tackles him to the ground.

They roll and separate and the three of us take battle stances. The man has some sort of claws, which I have to admit, are pretty cool.

I attack first, not wanting to deal with this shit anymore. I pull a classic Black Widow move. I lace my legs around the man's arms and spin around them. I reach my hands to the ground and pull him down with me. The cat scratches my right leg in the process.

A few scars to add the collection.

It scratches sting a ton and I hiss out in pain. The man untangled himself from me and charges at Bucky. He throws a few punches, but the Winter Soldier is pretty good at avoiding some blows.

Had to jinx it didn't you?

Black Cat kicks Bucky into a heater and the metal dents. Kitty goes for his perfect face, attempting to leave scars identical to mine. Fortunately, Bucky dodges the devil's hands.

I finally get up when the new guy comes at Bucky again. He launches himself into the air towards him, but I kick the cat out of the way. He tumbles across the ground, giving Bucky and I enough time to try to get away.

Keyword: Try.

He tackles Bucky from behind and nearly sliced him to pieces if Bucky hadn't grabbed his wrists.

I see a nearby metal bar and I pick it up and slam it across his head. He yells out in pain but gets off of Bucky. I look up and see Cap jumping over to us.

I pull Bucky to his feet and start to run off again. Unfortunately, a helicopter starts shooting at us and the other man.

"Red, get down!" Bucky yells and pulls me to the side to get some cover.

"Thanks," I hiss and grab my leg where Black Cat scratched me.

"Are you okay?" Bucky asked, concerned.

"Mh-hm. Just peachy," I mumble.

The helicopter stopped shooting at us, thanks to Sam. Bucky and I were so close to the edge of the building, so we made a run for it.

We jumped off and landed on a small ledge. I hear a terrible scraping sound and I look up the see kitty cat sliding down the wall after us. I pull Bucky so we drop down to the ground.

What is this guy's deal?

Knowing he is still following us, Bucky and I continue to run. The gunshots start up again and I try to think of a place to find cover.

"Over there! Jump," Bucky points out, reading my thoughts.

When we drop down, we almost got hit by a couple of cars. If we are being honest, I would rather have the cars chase me than a madman with claws.

Sorry, mad cat.

We begin our run again and I look back for a split second. I see mad cat and Cap jump down after us.

"We still got company!" I shout.

I hear Bucky sigh, "I hate my life," he mumbles.

Me too honey, me too.

"Hey after this, I think we should catch up," I shrug.

"Not the time Red."

"I know, but I'm trying to take my mind off this," I sigh.

It was that very moment when I knew I was so happy to have met this man. He freaking just grabbed a motorcycle while it was driving, kicked the driver off, and hopped on. All in one, fluid motion. Like it was nothing.

"Hurry! Get on!" He yells.

I hop on right behind Bucky and he starts driving. Sitting here on a bike with him really makes me realize how much I missed him.

Just when I thought things were getting better, black cat comes back and decides to pounce.


He quickly looks back and grabs the man by the throat. He pushes him against the wall, but the cat just runs against it. Bucky slams the man on the ground, but he is pulled down in the process.

Buck rubs his metal arm against the ground and I kick the cat off of us. He tumbles backward for a bit, but I know he will be back. We can only hope he won't be. Anyways, Bucky snaps the motorcycle upright again and continues to drive.

Using my quick thinking skills, I snatch a bomb from Bucky's back and toss it up against the bridge above us. It explodes and blocks the man from following us.

Or so I thought it would.

Out of nowhere, the bike fails and we both tumble. I look back at the one responsible for splitting a hole in the tire.

Seriously what is the whole cat deal? Like, please explain this to me.

Bucky and I start rolling, but I catch my footing and stand up as soon as I get the chance. When I look past the new guy I see Steve jumping out of a car about to get smashed from the bridge and was rolling. He starts running toward us because the car was still rolling over.

I was about to get trampled by the car, so I jumped out of the way. I look over to see pussy cat standing over Bucky, again.

As Steve is running away from the car he tackles black cat to the ground. When we all stand and gather, we are swarmed with cop cars.

I hate cop cars.

We also get a surprise visit from War Machine, aka James Rhodes. I found that in his files.

Bunches of policemen surrounded us with armed weapons. Black Cat, Cap, Bucky, and I all put our hands up in surrender.

"Congratulations Cap. You're a criminal," Rhodes says, but I don't think he was very sincere.

The cops press forward and Cap puts his shield away. I hear a commotion from behind me and I see them hauling Sam in our direction.

Men come up behind kitty cat, Cap, Bucky and I. They restrained everyone except the new guy. They waited for his next move. I see that he is taking off his mask. The person under it was not someone anyone would suspect.

"Your Highnesses," Rhodes says.

Damn, I just saw that kid on the news. His father was killed in the bombing. Now I get it. That's why he was after Bucky. He wanted revenge. The only issue is, he went after the wrong man.

They push Bucky to his knees and I start to squirm a little. This is completely unnecessary. He surrendered!

Because of my squirming, they push me to the ground as well, and now I'm eye level with the soldier. Bucky looks over at me with sad eyes. Eyes that say, "everything will be fine," even though you know it won't be.

There is only one thing I want more in the world when they take Steve, Sam, and I to a van and Bucky in another. I just want to be reassured I will see him again. I just got him back. There is no way I'm letting him go.

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