Prison Break

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"Red?" I feel a hand on my face.

I open my eyes and I see Bucky crouching over top of me.

"Red, it's time to go," Bucky groans.

I struggle to get up, so Steve assistants me. Once I'm on my feet, I know I will be able to walk. I'm just slightly dizzy, that's all.

Steve pulls Bucky to his feet and wraps his arm around his own shoulder. We start to walk away, but the metal man still felt the need to say something.

I know I wasn't fully here, but I think we won so shush.

"That shield doesn't belong to you," Tony mumbled.

"You don't deserve it," he says louder, "my father made that shield!"

Steve stops in his tracks and takes a deep breath. I just hope he doesn't do what I think he's going to do.

Too bad he did.

The famous red, white, and blue shield falls to the ground in front of my feet. I just walk around it and they follow me to the exit. All I want to do is leave this awful place.


It took a couple of weeks until I was completely healed. Super Serum only does so much especially when you only have a knock off version. And maybe it was only a week, but I was tired. I really hadn't gotten much sleep since I started this whole fiasco with Cap.

I never really can get enough of him though. Steve has become a good friend, so has Sam. That's why I'm helping them out.

Steve needed someone with two arms and Sam needed someone to help him and his friends out of prison, so that's what we're doing.

"Are you sure about this Cap?" I ask as I knock out another guard.

"Absolutely. We're already criminals. What's another law broken?" he shrugs.

"I can't tell if you're serious," I laugh.

"Neither can I."

Once the coast is clear I give Steve the signal. He walks into the dark room full of our friends in cages. It took a while to find the light switch, but when I did, Steve had officially made another dramatic entrance.

"Steve?" Sam asked shocked.

"You look like you need a hand," Steve chuckles.

"I think Bucky needs one more," I joke and Steve glares at me.

"Too soon? Sorry," I chuckled.

"Red? Why did you come along?" Sam asked.

"What can I say? You're growing on me," I smile at him and release him from his cell.

"Hate to be the one to remind you, but we still exist," Clint points out.

I walk over to him and release him as Steve and Sam release Scott and Wanda. We all group together in the middle of the room.

"Can you get these off?" Wanda asks, referring to the restraints on her.

"I think I can, but all my stuff is on the plane so you'll have to wait," I said sorrowfully.

"As long as it's not more than that," she sighs.

"So, we'll get our stuff and head back?" Scott asks for confirmation.

"Yeah, but what then? You can't just go back to your old lives," I say.

They all look down at their feet. What are we going to do? Some of us are now homeless, except me who has always been homeless, but I can live in one of my bunkers. Some of them have families, that would suck.

"We can figure that out later. We need to go. We might not have much time. Ross is probably sending men here now," Steve says and we head out of the room.

"Where is our stuff?" Scott asks.

"Wow, that suit really must be something if that's all you're asking about," I laugh as we run through the halls.

"Well, it's not mine. I stole it from Hank Pym," he says with shame.

"Wait, I thought he gave it to you," Steve says.

"Nope. He just has me use it when necessary," he explains.

"Guys! Our stuff!" Wanda shouts annoyed.

"Right. Um let me get into their computers really quick," I say as we pass a control room.

I slide into a chair and access their records. I rummage through it all until I find the layout of the building.

"Okay. Just take two lefts. First door on the right," I say and point to the map.

They all dash out and run down the halls. I stop Steve and Wanda while the rest continue to get their stuff.

"We don't have much time, so I will go start up the plane. Steve will get Wanda's things considering you can't carry it. I can get you out of that while we wait," I propose and they both nod.

Steve easily catches up to them and Wanda follows my tail. When we reach the plane I rush to the cockpit and fire everything up. I scurry over to a small compartment with all of my tools and take out the box.

"Here come sit," I say and flip one of the nearby boxes upside down for Wanda to sit on.

As I start to pick the lock of all the buckles, I realize I never really got to talk to Wanda. I try to think of a conversation starter and then the question I've wanted to ask for awhile pops into mind. It's not exactly something to just ask, but I do anyway.

"Do you think you could make me remember? Or fix Bucky?" I ask and I can hear her sigh.

"I don't think I could. I can't put thoughts into people's heads and I can't read what's not there. I wouldn't be able to tell you something you don't already know," she explains.

"I figured that would be the answer."

"I'm sorry I can't be of much help."

"It's okay," I say as I unlock the buckles and start to cut the sleeves.

"I'm just hoping there is something out there to help me. Bucky found his Steve. I just haven't found mine yet," I shrug with sadness.

"I'm sure they'll come around."

"They're probably dead or have amnesia," I joke and she laughs.

We heard the footsteps of the others get louder as they get nearer. I cut the sleeves off and Wanda removes herself from the confining outfit.

Thank God she had a shirt and shorts under that or else Sam Wilson would have seen her naked.

"You guys ready to go?" I ask as they board the aircraft.

"Yes, please. We got to go. They aren't far behind us," Clint says and I rush to the cockpit and sit in the pilot's seat.

Flying will help me keep my mind out of my past, so I had no problem doing it. Just drop these folks off in New York and head to Wakanda to meet with Bucky and say goodbye.

I don't want to say goodbye.

Finding You and Me: Bucky Barnes FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now