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It was about an hour after I left the conference room that someone chased after me. I was honestly about to leave and I would have been long gone in my plane if Spangles hadn't shown up.

"It appears I will be having an extra passenger," I say without even looking behind me.

"Well, I haven't gotten to talk to you yet. That's what I'm here to do," he explains himself.

"Just you? My old friend isn't here with you? Not even the guy you have been traveling with to find your old pal?" I ask.

"That's why I'm here. Can you please just let me talk to him? I assume he hasn't gotten his memories back yet. Maybe I can help you - "

"Steve," I cut him off, "I don't know if he will ever remember."

"What do you mean?" The man asks, worried.

"Look, Bucky and I never got separated. He was with me when we met for the first time. I knew you would just keep looking for him if you saw him and that could've caused many issues. Anyways, I realized that HYDRA was still in Bucky's head. We are trained to attack when someone attacks us. The brainwashing was more severe with him and that still occurs. The Winter Soldier attacked me. That was about a year ago. We haven't spoken since."

"So you're just going to give up?" Steve scoffs.

"What do you expect me to do? That man tried to kill me! Yes, I threw a knife at him, but he was a douche, as I have mentioned. I never should've let myself help him," I sigh.

"I know we can get him back. We did before, we can now. Do you know where he is?"


"Then let's go! What are you waiting for?" he asks.

"He wants to live a normal life, Steve. He's not like me. I'm full of hate and I kill for the fun of it. Every assassination still haunts him. Bucky is trying to forget all that. If you go to him, it will just bring up how he almost killed his best friend. That is if he even remembers you, or me. That brainwashing thing really did a number on us," I explain.

"If I don't go, he might never remember at all. Don't you want him to remember?" he softly asks.

"Of course I do. I love him."

Alright woah there. I don't love him.

Do I?

This is complicated.

"Alright then, it's settled. I will see you soon."

"What? Let's go now," I say confused.

"I have somewhere I have to be."

"And where would that be?" I question.



Steve was in London for about a couple of days. He asked me to stay in the city. He wanted me close by so that when he comes back, we can leave. I've been staying in a hotel in Brooklyn.

While I have been waiting for the return of Steve and Sam I have been investigating the lives of everyone else. I had nothing better to do since the only person who knew me is going to Vienna to sign the damn accords. Anyways, Stark was easy, I just googled the things I wanted to know.

James Rhodes, the mystery man. I just looked for him on facial recognition and found his files.

Wanda Maxamoff, the Witch Bitch. When I figured her out, I knew the name sounded familiar. She and her brother were apart of Struckers experiments. I never liked him.

Finding You and Me: Bucky Barnes FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now