The Winter Soldier

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When we walk back into the room, Sam and I witnessed a very heated conversation between Steve and Stark. We let them finish before we enter.

"What was that all about?" Sam asks.

"He was trying to get me to sign the papers again," he sighs, "Just when I thought he saw things from my point of view, he ruins it."

"Yeah," I say and take a seat, "I tried seeing things from his point of view, but I couldn't seem to get my head that far up my own ass."

They quietly laugh at my joke, but they quickly sober up. The room falls silent, but Steve seems to notice something that catches his attention. Sam doesn't catch on and he takes a seat across from me.

My eyes follow his and I meet a screen outside the room. It's the interrogation footage of Bucky.

I am so focused on it, I don't even hear the footsteps of the woman from before walking in. I should probably ask her for her name.

"The receipt for your gear," she says and hands it over to Sam.

"Bird costume? Come on," Sam says offended and I snicker to myself.

"I didn't write it," she says and puts her hands up in defense.

"I never got your name," I say and she walks over to the center of the table.

"Carter. Sharon Carter."

I know I know the name, but it doesn't seem to click. I'm sure she has some sort of SHIELD or HYDRA connection.

Sharon leans up against the table and looks around the room. She seems nervous. I can tell she is about to do something that she isn't supposed to do, but I don't know what.

She extends her hand and presses a button on a control panel that is placed on the table. When she does, the small screen that is in the room comes on, along with the audio.

The interrogation footage.

I give her a gracious look and Steve turns around. She nods and the two of us and all eyes avert to the screen. Even Sam's.

"I can't help you if you don't talk to me," the interrogator says.

"My name is Bucky."

I big smile stretches over my face. There isn't much of a reason. I'm just proud that he can remember.


"Why would the task force release this photo to begin with?" Steve asks looking at the picture of Bucky supposedly leaving Vienna.

"Get the word out. Involve as many eyes as we can," Carter shrugs.

"Right," I say and get up from my seat.

"It's a good way to flush a guy out of hiding. Set off a bomb, get your picture taken. We got seven billion people looking for the Winter Soldier," I say and Steve nods while Sam seems to catch onto what we're saying.

"You're saying someone framed him to find him," Sharon sighs.

"Steve, we looked for the guy for two years. We found nothing," Sam shakes his head.

Wow, that's kind of sad.

"We didn't bomb the UN. That turns a lot of heads," Steve explains.

"That doesn't guarantee whoever framed him would get him, it guarantees that we would," Sharon adds, but then she fully understands as does the rest of us.

We all turn our heads over to the screen.

"Yeah," I say starting to fume.

"Tell me Bucky, you've seen a great deal. Haven't you?" the interrogator asks.

"I don't wanna talk about it," Bucky replies and I can already feel his pain.

"You feel that if you open your mouth the horrors might not stop," he tries to understand.

"Don't worry. We only have to talk about one."

All of a sudden the power goes out. People start to panic and blame Bucky for somehow setting everything off. How would Bucky be able to do anything? You put him in a cage!

Steve, Sam, and I all look over at Sharon. She knows what we want and she gives it to us.

"Sub level five. East wing."

The three of us dash out of the room and towards the location given to us. We run and try to avoid as many people as we can.

When we get to sub level five, we slowly ease our way closer to where Bucky should be.

There are a lot of bodies scattered on the floor and Steve goes to check on one. I assume to see if he is dead or not.

We all hear a small, quiet groan gasping for help.

"Help. Help me."

We look over in the direction it came in, and see a man lying on the ground in front of Bucky's cage.

We walk over to the interrogator from before, not buying his act.

"Get up," Steve says sternly.

When he doesn't move, Steve pulls him by the collar and lifts him off the ground.

"Who are you? What do you want?" I question.

A smirk stretches across the bastards face.

"To see an empire fall."

I hear a groan and a loud smash and look over to see Sam being attacked by Bucky. Except it's not Bucky.

It's the Winter Soldier.

A few punches are thrown, but let's be real. Sam can't take him down with just his hands. Very few can. As I suspected, Sam is being tossed across the room.

Steve jumps into action and the two soldiers fight their way out of the room. I look back over at the conman and throw a hard punch at his unattractive face.

And to think, I thought he was ugly before.

I run over to see if Sam is okay, but he hit his head and is out cold. I turn around knowing there isn't much I can do for Sam and see Steve being pushed down an elevator shaft.

"Soldier!" I shout, hoping to get his attention.

In this state, he usually ignores people unless they are punching him, shooting at him, or throwing knives.

He doesn't move. He just stands in his place. I know he knows it's me who called after him.

"Soldier?" I ask, "Whatcha doing?"


"What is it? Maybe I can help," I suggest.


"Why not? I'm your partner," I say and run over to him.

I look him dead in the eye and notice that they seem sad.

"Soldier? Why can't I join you?" I ask again.

"It's too dangerous."

"I know I will be okay if you're here with me," I smile.

"No," he says and walks past me.

I grab his arm, stopping him from going any further. He turns around and grabs my throat with his metal hand.

He pushed me against the wall and looks me in the eye. They are full of sorrow and regret. A single year drops down my face and it only makes his face look more hurt.

"I'm sorry," he says.

My vision starts to blur and I feel myself go numb.

"It's okay. I forgive you."

And then, everything went black.

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