John's Motel

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Bucky doesn't take my extended hand. He just looks at me and then at the wall, then back at me. He looks shocked and happy at the same time.

"Apparently you're Sergeant Barnes. Never met a military man before. I think my knees are getting a week," I pretend to swoon.

He doesn't seem to care about my sarcasm. Bucky, or James, just continues his stare of astonishment.

"What's next?" he asks me.

"That all depends on what you want to know about yourself," I state.

"Everything. I want all of my memories back. Do you think you can do that?" He asks with pleading eyes.

I've never seen a man like the Winter Soldier seem so happy and vulnerable before. I don't know whether it's good or bad.

"Yeah," I place a hand on his shoulder, "I'll see what I can do. We can't do it here though. Someone has picked up on us by now, so we have to keep moving."

He nods and we walk out of the Smithsonian together.

This will be quite an adventure.


About a 5-hour drive later, that only ended because I ran out of gas money. (What can I say? I only steal so much from the guys I seduce), I pull into a really run down motel in the middle of nowhere.

I figured it wouldn't draw too much attention to us and it would be easy to get in. It looks as if it was falling apart and no one would ever actually come here. Only one other car is in the lot. I always wondered how these things are even in business.

I mean honestly. The neon letters are flickering and falling off the building, the entire lot smells like sewer, and I'm afraid if I touch the walls, the whole building would collapse.

Bucky and I exit the car and he starts to make his way to the motel.

"Hold on there my friend," I say, stopping him from going any further.

"First of all, we have to get rid of this car. In case you forgot, I stole it. Second of all, I know you don't have a lot of experience in this part of the job. You're more of the smash, kill, I do what I want type deal. You never had to go undercover. I suggest you let me do all the talking," I explain and he nods.

I turn back to the car and remove the front and back license plates. I throw them in a ditch of the highway. I then drive the car onto the top of a hill and put it in neutral allowing it to fall and crash, after removing all of our stuff, of course.

My two bags, one with necessities and one with weapons, Bucky's bag, and other supplies found in the car.

"How do you plan on getting a room? We don't have any money?" the super soldier asks as we walk into the motel.

"Well, James, I have a few - "

"Bucky," he interrupts.

"What?" I ask, confused.

"Please, call me Bucky. He did. I only assume that's what they called me instead of James," he elaborates.

"Yeah, of course, sorry."

I don't know why I apologized. That's not my thing. I guess I would understand if I found out my real name. If I had that pleasure, I wouldn't want people to call me 'Red' anymore.

"Anyways, I have a few tricks up my sleeve. Watch and learn."

We approach a small reception desk with a little bell waiting to be rung. I, of course, do so.

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