chapter 11

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The urge to pee wakes me from my sleep, I just want to stay in bed and watch movies all day. I make my way to the bathroom, after I freshen up, I head back to bed. within twenty-four hours my life has turn into mess: I've been used, I probably don't have a job to return to in the morning and most importantly I've lost the one person who has been with me throughout everything.

when my mom got married and told me we were moving to England, I thought my life would turn into nightmare. I hated my mom for leaving dad heartbroken and for making me leave my family and friends behind. I didn't like the idea of growing up by my stepfather even though I was fifteen at the time and it also hurts to know my brother won't get the full experience of growing up with dad. Harry was six when we left and I thought it would've broken him not to have dad around, but to my surprise he was stronger than I thought.

Two weeks after we move to England and settle down, I started school, I promise myself not to make any friends, but when Paige walk up to me and introduce herself that promise got toss in the bin. I saw everything in her that I wanted be, she let me realize that a lot of persons out their wish they had a mom to argue with and I'm here taking advantage of that privilege. Paige has not only stayed by my side through thick, but mom side also.

When Jerry died, my mom late husband, Paige help her in ways I couldn't, she was there for us know matter what and now I've lost her, I wish I could turn back the clock. If me did no always come last.

That's it! I need to take responsibility for my actions and stop blaming everyone around me for my problems, for Christ sake I'm twenty- five and I'm acting like I'm twelve. I'm a grown ass woman and it's time I start acting like one. know more moping around, wishing for what I did or did not do and feed off my regrets, my parents and grandmother didn't raise me like a brat.

I am Kathylia Henson born and raised in St. Elizabeth Jamaica, I'm a Jam-rock girl and one thing I remember before moving is that we don't cry over men, we let them see what they've lost. As of today, I'm pulling my shit together and it starts with forgetting Jacob and apologizing to my best friend with hope that she'll forgives me.

After making my bed I head downstairs knowing Paige is probably in the kitchen burning something, she cooks when she's mad however her cooking sucks .

Approaching the kitchen, I hear her mumbling. I walk in the kitchen she look at me and rolled her eyes, okay she's mad. who wouldn't be though, I blame her for everything because I was too selfish and couldn't face the truth.

I walk close to her, having know idea what I'm going to say. I walk past her and grab the coffee mug and pour myself a cup of tea. we both look at each other, but look away quickly. I clear my throat trying to get her attention. okay this is it

"Paige" I called, she didn't look at me and I know she's not going to make this easy. who would?

"Paige I'm a bitch"

" you're just realizing that?" she fires back rolling her eyes. I take a deep breath reminding myself not to explode again, I'm the one who is wrong and need to mend this problem before it reaches any further.

" I was wrong for blaming you for something that's my fault, I am too weak and I just wanted to be free like you for once and have a little fun, you know? Enjoy life a bit, but I got caught up in the moment and forget who I am. I'm sorry, I hope you will forgive me" I breath out in a sincere tone. I just hope she will forgive me; I can't blame her if she doesn't though.

" You were right about one thing though, I'm easy too easy" I added looking down, with my eyes full of tears as remember what he did.

" Kat you're not easy nor weak, you're the strongest person I no. Jacob is an ass and he will pay for what he did. karma is a bitch and it's going to hit his ass hard. I'm sorry for letting you think you're easy and being nosy of course." I get that she was concern however sometimes person's just need space and time to think and we both know that even though she's apologizing for being nosy she won't stop.

" you know since we were are both wrong, I think we should make it up to each other" I said smiling Yup! I'm smiling again.

" Oh yes I have an idea" her and her ideas


" How about you owe me a favor and I will make your family traditional Sunday dinner?" She asked
Hell no!


" But you said anything" she pout why can't I remember saying that? I stare at her and she's begins to give me her poor thing face, gosh this girl.

"Okay, Okay I'll owe you the favor but you're not spoiling my Sunday dinner" Like hell I'm going to let her burn this place down, she can't even boil water. I'm sorry for her husband in the future if he can't cook.

" I careless, let's go get groceries"

" I'm going to change in something else" I respond leaving the kitchen. I'm so glad we are back to normal

"Oh, and I still want to know how was the sex. You don't have to tell me in full details, just tell me on a scale of one to ten how was it. Not now though, when your comfortable talking about it." I shake my head walking up the stairs, yup that's the Paige I know.

After grocery shopping, I went home and cooked my family Sunday dinner, Rice and peas and French-fried chicken. The funny thing is from Paige got home from grocery shopping, she's been sleeping and just as I'm about to finish cook she's wide awake. while eating she did mention what happened between Jacob and I. I told her I'm not yet comfortable enough to talk about it. I honestly don't know when that day will come.

I turn off my beside side lamp and the last thing that cross my mind before the darkness take over, is how am I going to face that bastard mother in the morning?



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