Chapter 19

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The stinging and heavy feeling in my cheek tells it all, never in my life I thought he would do this. I take a step back from the unrecognized monster standing in front of me, I could tell he's also surprised by his action, but the damage was already done.

This is it, now I see clearly that he really doesn't care about me. I've been wasting my time on something that is hopeless all along. You finally get it.

I ran to my room as fast as my feet could take me knowing he's right behind me. As soon as I reached my room, I slammed the door shut and ensured it's lock before he could stop me.

I wiped my tears and running nose into my shirt then slump my body down onto the floor, resting my back against the bed. I can't believe he hit me, never in a million years I thought he would've done something like this, maybe it's because he was drinking so his brain is all jumbled, but that still doesn't give him the right to hit me.

The memory of his hand connecting with my cheek cause tears to pool from my eyes. Growing up my grandma always said that if a man hit you once, he'll hit you twice. I never thought he would put his hands on me. I probably shouldn't have called him a fucking idiot, maybe I cause this upon myself.

Please stop making up excuses for him. I cried harder knowing my subconscious is right.

" Kathylia please open the door" His voice sound remorseful. I will myself not to open the door, what's going to stop him from squeezing my throat and kill me next? I asked myself. He's not the guy I thought he was, he's abusive and there's nothing he can say to make me forgive him at this moment. Right, at this moment.

"Kathylia open the door or I swear I'll kick it off!" he yelled. I could tell he's getting frustrated, it's clear in his voice. I  really don't want to see him right now. I give a deaf ears to the banging on the door, I hate him so much.

The banging on the door stopped which made me curious. He wouldn't kick the door off would he? answering my question the door swung open. Jacob stood there looking down on me with a blank expression, I lift my body up off the floor as fast as I could staring up on the monster himself.

He threw a key unto the dresser answering my unasked question, I threw him the dirtiest glare I could find even though deep down inside, I'm scared of what he might do to me.

He took slow steps towards me while I took slow, panicking steps backwards, my body came to a stop when I felt the back of my knees hit the bed. I debated with myself whether or not I should run and scream for help, knowing I'm in his territory it's a lost cause.

"Kathylia" His voice sounded soft and sincere, unlike the voice that's been calling me bitch, his breath fanning my face turned inside my stomach upside down. I held my head down afraid of what he might do this time, I really don't want to see how much he hates me, my heart began to pound out of my chest and I can't tell if it's the strong effect he has on me or if it's out of fear.

My body flinched at his raise of hand, I let out a breath of relief when I realize he's only tilting my head upward to look at him and not to hit me.

I looked into his hazel eyes, regret is clear in them, he has never look at me this way before. The memory of what happened in my office the other day came back to me. He said he wouldn't hurt me,  yet still he did, he has hurt me in so many ways. Apart of me begged to let go of him, he's not worth it.

Yes, I know I've hurt him also but, I just wanted to see his reaction, I wanted to know if he would love this child and I'm happy to see that he cares but I don't think it's wise for my child to grow with someone like him.

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