Chapter 25

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" Mom I don't want a baby shower" She has been bugging me for days about this damn shower. I swear it's getting on my last nerve.

"Baby, but why not?"

" I don't have anyone to invite and your not friendly, so your worst than me"

" I'm friendly, FYI I have a lot of friends" I roll my eyes at her knowing she's lying.

" yeah right. Who are those friends if you don't mind me asking"

" you, Harry and my two beautiful grandbabies"

I laugh at her and rub my hands over my swollen stomach, Just three more months to go. I can't wait to meet them, just thinking about the day makes me want to tear up.

"Baby honestly a shower would be great, you will have pictures to show Patrick and Mary when they get older"

There she goes again with that damn shower and those fricking old people names.

"Mom for the last time, I'm not naming my child Patrick nor Mary. We're living in the twenty first century not in the eighty's"

"Mary and Patrick are beautiful names" She protest.

" Who would I invite to this shower thing" I ask not wanting to get into this hold baby name argument with her. If I continue, she'll probably imply John or Brown, this woman is too persistent for her own good.

"You can invite: Maria, Harry, the babies father side of the family, who knows. Oh and Kaleb of course" She suggest emphasizing Kaleb name.

I smile at the mention of his name, Kaleb and I have grown closer together over these past few months. I tried pushing him away at first , I wanted to stay focus on myself and my bundles of joy, but somehow he manages to force his determine self into my life.

We see each other almost everyday, he's my personal chocolate Ice cream delivery guy, we also went on a few dates, but I always manage to shun him whenever he's trying to kiss me. He even offered to accompany me to my doctor's appointment, however I refuse his offer. It's not his place, so I just went with my mom.

"Who knows, Jacob might return by then" My mom state interrupting my thoughts. I ignore her, refusing to think about him. I haven't seen nor heard from him since he called his own unborn children a bastard and that was four months ago.

I cried for a month straight, I even ended up in the hospital a few times due to depression. Kaleb help me got through it and that's why I think it's about time, I stop tying him out and give him a chance.

"Baby Jacob loves you, even though-"

"Mom zip it. I'm going to get the door"

I waddle off like a stuffed penguin. Man, I've never been so happy in my life for a door bell to ring. I can't manage that conversation with her, not now, not ever.

I open the door to see Mrs. Blair standing there with a girl around the same age as Harry . To say I'm shock is an understatement.

"Close your mouth Miss Henson, before you catch flies"

I clear my throat trying to hide my embarrassment

"C-Come in" I stuttered out while making way for her to pass.

"No need, I'm just dropping off Daniel. I've spoken with Jacob earlier, I assumed he called you"

I stare at her blank for a few seconds, so she doesn't know that her son, hasn't been in mine or his unborn children's life for months now?

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