Chapter 20

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I woke up to an empty bed, why am I not surprised, I asked myself. I put on my shirt from last night willing myself not to think about yesterday. Before I could reach the bathroom, the bedroom door push open, making me pause on the spot.

Jacob walked in shirtless, with his sweats hanging low on his waist. I can tell he's recently shower by the look of his messy, damp hair. He place a tray of food that I didn't even realize he was holding, on the bed side table and walked towards me in slow steps.

How can he makes me so wet by just rocking a sweatpants, shirtless? My body craves for him as my greedy eyes ran over his packs. My, my,myyyy!

"Hey, good morning" I stare at him for awhile so my brain could get rid of the dirty thoughts and process what he said. He must be feeling ill because the Jacob I know never once cared to tell me good morning.

"Um-G-ood morning" I curse myself for stuttering like a fool, I'm happy to see that he's trying, but at the same time I'm nervous by this kind gesture, this is so not him.

" I made breakfast" He what!! now I'm convinced he's sick, few hours ago he wouldn't hand me a bottle of water to save my life now he's making me food.

"what happened to Miss Maria?"

"I gave her the day off, come on let's eat"

"um- give me a minute, I'm going to brush my teeth first" He nod and I head into the bathroom feeling very skeptical about his behavior, is he behaving like this because he's afraid I'll leave him?

No he's treating you well so you won't leave with his baby. smart move if you ask me.

If that's the case, I don't like it. I want him to treat me well because I deserve it be, not because he's afraid of losing me like toy. I don't want him to pretend, I want him to actual care.

I brush my teeth and head back to the room. Jacob is sitting on the bed edge, with his hand clamps together and his head down. He is so deep in his thoughts that he doesn't realize I'm in the room.

"Hey" he seems startle a bit, but quickly recovers, raising from the bed wearing a smile that doesn't reach his eyes, he begins to guide me over to the tray of food, I can't take this any longer.

"Jacob stop" His eyes held a worrisome look, for a guy who act so though sure acts like a baby when he's afraid of losing something.

"What's the matter?" He asked

" I should be the one asking you that question"

He look away from me, from the look on his face I could tell he's having a battle with his inner thoughts, after what seems like forever I break the silence.

"Jacob are you afraid I'm going to leave" His silence tells me all I need to know. Maybe he do love me, but he's having a hard time accepting it.

"Jay, look at me I'm not going anywhere, I promise" like you have a choice, Kool nickname by the way. I roll my eyes at my subconscious and place a kiss of assurance on his lips, he was a bit taken back at first but, soon he gave in. We pull apart to catch our breath, he pressed his forehead against mine.

" Promise?"

"Promise, now c'mon I'm starving"


"I've make an appointment to check on our baby later"

I look up a Jacob smiling, I'm so happy were trying to work out our issues. I know it's going to take awhile before we get to where we want to be, at least we make a start.

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