Chapter 16

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My eyes flick open to the heavy feeling in my chest. I spring out of bed running towards the bathroom knowing exactly what's coming next. My body tremble while I throw up every limb inside me, if I'd known drinking would trigger off my stomach flu again, I would have  used it to prove a point. I really can't stand this anymore, waking up to the taste of vomit is getting to my head. what's worse, I really don't know the cause of it.

I get up from the floor and make my way to the face basin to rinse out my mouth. My face look droopy and my brown eyes looks pale, if this continue I'm going to have to visit the doctor.

I ran my fingers over the marks on my neck from last nights. I wish I was the type of person who had bad hangover so I wouldn't remember last night event. I really cross the line and I have know one to blame but myself. I wanted him to stop, but I was too weak, my body craves for his touch, I don't even know what to call myself. One thing is crystal clear though, I'm still madly in love with him.

After taking a shower I make my way to into the bedroom. I sigh in relief to see the bedroom empty, seeing him is the last thing I need right now. I know as soon as we meet face to face he's going to throw me out like the last time or say this was another mistake.  Truth be told I'm not yet emotionally strong to hear those words and I don't think I will ever be.

I walk over to where his cologne and body splash are neatly kept, they all smell like him what did you expect? going home with his scent on me isn't such a good idea
A splash in a pink bottle catch my eyes without thinking twice, I take it up and drown it on my body.

Gosh this smells awful touches the scent makes my head hurt, I'm beginning to feel nauseous, my body sway a bit from dizziness and my clumsiness cause the bottle to slip from my hands. Before I can do anything about the broken glass , my feet begin to carry me towards the bathroom to empty out the little bit I had left in me.

How can he stand the awful scent? know wonder it was the only one that wasn't use, too bad for me I spray it all over my body staining my nostril with that bad scent, with a dizzy head combine with a thumping headache, I manage to bring my body under the shower to scrub myself  clean once again.

Growing up I was a curious and touches kid, my Grandmother always told me that one day my touches fingers would get me into trouble. I hate to say she's was right I'm in that exact situation right now. Thanks to these damm fingers. I look at the angry monster staring deep into my soul making me winch like a shame puppy. I held my head down and pick on my nails waiting for him to shoot his insults at me.

"Why did you touch my stuff?" 

He asked in a too soft tone. I tried to come up with a suitable answer for his question however none makes sense so I keep my mouth shut and continue to pick on my nails like a four year old.

"Are you deaf or dumb!" he shout. why is he behaving like this? it's only  stupid a body splash.


I respond with sarcasm dripping from my voice by his facial expression, I can  tell that he's getting angrier that's when I realize I'm only adding gas to a blazing fire.

" I just came from the shower and I wanted to spray on some body splash so I took it up an use, soon after I became a bit dizzy and it accidentally fell from my hands" I could  have swore I saw a glint of worried in  his, but it was gone in a blink.

"It slip from your fucking clumsy hands?" He doesn't care about me not feeling well buts he's eating off my head for something that's replaceable. Isn't it obvious he doesn't care about you when are you going to get that in you big thick skull?

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