Chapter 32

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I pace back and forth inside the room I used to  find solace, I try to stop the thoughts that's swimming around in my mind. today was suppose to be the day, I find out my babies gender, the evening was suppose to be filled with love, instead it's full of dramatic problems.

The bedroom door swing open revealing the cause of all my problems, he enter the room, walking delicately towards his bed, taking a seat on the edge.

Apart of me want to scream at him and throw things around. Instead of doing so, I stay quite waiting on him to utter the first word.

"So I.." he sigh rubbing his hands over his face, clearly not knowing where to begin. Even Though the urge to speak is killing me, I clamp my mouth shut.

"Kathylia I...I'm not engage" He muttered out underneath his breath, without looking in my direction. I've been crying myself to sleep for days, for what? A lie? He knew how much it hurt me, less than an hour ago I was pouring out my heart to him. letting him know how hurt I am by the situation and instead of being a man and tell me the truth, he kissed me making me sink further into guilt.

"jasmine and I...we're not in any form of relationship. she was just someone I called for sex, no strings attach. I didn't mean for you to find out like this.'' I stare at him blankly, my hold body feels numb from this new information. he use d her for sex, is that suppose to make me feel better?

"Kathylia, please say something." he plead. I kept my mouth shut, staring at him blankly. I know the moment I open my mouth, I won't be able to keep it shut and stop the tears that's forming behind my eyes from falling.

he let out a sigh while getting off the bed, running his hands through his already messy hair, clearly frustrated by my silent treatment. he took  steps towards me, moving his hand towards my cheek. I take a step back, clearly not wanting him near me much less touching me.

"kathylia please don't be like this." he plead once more and for the first time, in a long time his emotions are on full display. hurt is visible all over his face, his beautiful hazel orbs sparkles with fear.

"You lied to me." I finally speak out, looking directly into his eyes.

" I didn't mean to, It hurt my feelings when I saw you kissing that fucker. when you mention my blond, beach curls finance, I put two and two together and just played along."

"You played along? and you're really talking to me about hurt. lLt me remind you that left, you didn't gave ne the chance to tell you that Paige made the appointment without my knowledge. I didn't turn to Kaleb because I loved him, I'm not going to lie I did feel something for him, but it was far from love. I turn to him because he was with me when I was crying myself to sleep, due to the pain you put me through. He was there for me when I had unnatural food cravings at two in the morning, he was even there when you called your own children bastard!" I scream at him angrily, not giving a damn if the tears are visible in my eyes.

" I was upset, I didn't mean to call them bastard I love my children. seeing him kissing you in that hospital bed, just make me so fucking angry and avoiding you was the best idea at the time, plus let not forget you were the one who asked me to leave."

"Oh please, you didn't leave because you needed space or because I asked you to, you left because you were a coward. No what scratch that, you left to go buried yourself inside of Jasmine!"


"No save your breath, while I've been crying and hardly eating, you were out there having fun. you have no idea what  I've been through, sometimes I wanted to end things, I wanted to run away. The only reason I stayed and take this heartace is  because I wanted my children to be happy. I wanted them to grow up with there father, but you, you have no form of dignity and respect for me or them.
Today was suppose to be there moment, instead of appreciating they're yours and they're going to here soon, you were so deep inside of Jasmine, big stinking hole that you forget about them. I can't take this anymore I'm leaving." tears pour from my eyes, I'm a sobbing mess. It feels like if I see him one more minute my lungs are going to fail me.

"If you leave, Kathylia I swear-"

"You swear what, huh?" I bark out daring him to continue.

"You promise you wouldn't leave."

"Well I guess I'm breaking that promise." A pair of hands sneak it's way around my waist as I reach for the doorknob, he pull my body against his panting heavily against my neck, as his hold tightened onto me.

"Jacob let me go" I spit out slightly softly, trying to keep my anger at bay.


"I swear if you-"

"You swear what, Huh?" I stay quite knowing he won't let me go if I continue to argue with him.

"I've told you earlier that I'm doing better, just give me the chance to show you. I promise you kathylia, I won't ever hurt you again." he spin me around so I'm looking directly into his eyes. His eyes held so much hope, he has destroyed the little hope I had of us begin together, leaving me with none whatsoever. all I'm left with is pain, yet I still can't destroy his, I can't hurt him.

I nod my head not trusting my voice to say the words I'll stay. He hug me, kissing me all over my face, before connecting his lips on mine. sparks fly throughout the entire room and If wasn't the need for air we wouldn't pull apart. he lead me to his bed, laying me down before pulling me into his warm embrace.


Do you think Kathylia made the right decision by staying?

comment and let me know your opinion.


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