Chapter 31

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I stand there looking at the means to my guiltiness, she's' sending me a wave of death glares, if only looks could kill. I know she's probably fighting the urge of strangling me right now, who wouldn't though?

I can feel the loathsomeness she's pouring out digging inside my flesh. Mom would be so disappointed in me, if she knew I wreck someone relationship for my own selfish needs.

I break contact with Jacob fiancé and bring my eyes to observe his face. I know deep down he regrets his actions, a lot of what If is probably swimming through his mind right now. I search his face for a sign of regret, knowing he was just caught cheating, but all I'm able to find is anger. Why is he not sorry?

"Jay I can't believe you had the nerve to kiss your pregnant maid"

pregnant maid?
Is that what he told her I am?

"And you!" she yells bringing all her attention back to me. I stood there feeling, ashamed, confused and angry all at once.

"You have the nerve to kiss someone else's man while you're pregnant with another man's child! Bitch are you that desperate for money?" no, she didn't.

"Excuse me?"

"I'm not in your way, do me a favor and get the hell out! You're fired!" her words should have riled up my anger more, but it did the opposite. I burst out in laughter, I laugh so hard my tummy hurts and tears roll out of my eyes, the look on her face makes me laugh even harder.

"Bitch I said get out! "my laughter comes to a sudden stop. I hate when I'm called a bitch, whore or slut by people who don't know me, if we're friends fine, but in another case it's a no, no situation. it just flips a switch.

"You can't fire me because I'm not a worker here, in fact this bitch right here is carrying you man children." harshness dripped from my voice, yes! I feel bad for involving in their life, deep down I'm dying from guilt, but I'm not going to show my emotions to her. If she were a respectable woman, I would and I also would've apologized a hundred times. Her lack of personality and rude behavior caused to despise her the first day we met.

"Jay how could you do this to me?" Tears fall from her eyes, for a second a sharp pain stab my heart. I waited for Jacob to say something, but he stays silent begin his usual self. Not begin able to take the feeling any longer, I walk off.

My feet come to a halt when a sudden grip held onto my arms, I gulp slightly as Jacob pull me back to his side.

"Jay tell me, what have I done to deserve this."

"Jasmine I swear if you call me Jay again, I'm going to lose it." his voice was low, too low for my liking, he let out a long heave of breath before he speaks.

"Now if you don't mind, leave" I watch Jasmine eyes grow wider than mine, why is Jacob doing this?

She's a human begin, he was just caught cheating on his fiancé for Christ sake, despite her rudeness, she doesn't deserve this treatment.

"Jacob that's not necessary, I'll just go." deep down I know she's hurting. who wouldn't? she just saw her fiancé tongue down another woman throat, not to mention about the pregnancy.

I attempt to walk away, once again he stopped me in my tracks.

"Kathylia, so help me god if you take one more step." he grits out through his teeth. Jasmine gasp at his words, holding onto her chest like she's stopping her heart from pulling out of its cage.

"Jay y-you choose this trash here over me?" My ears catch blaze with anger. I swallow the little remaining saliva left in my mouth and bite on my tongue, keeping my mouth shut. I remind myself I deserve whatever insults she throws at me; I was the one who intrude in the relationship in the first place.

"I can't believe this, I must be fucking dreaming" she blinks her eyes repeatedly, eyeing me with disgust.

"Jasmine do yourself a favor and walk away."

"Walk away? don't fucking tell me to walk away! I can't believe you stoop so low. you didn't only fuck this trash, but you got her pregnant Jacob. I thought you love me!" she let out in one breath, by the end she's a sobbing mess. I guess Jacob played the both of us, because deep down I thought he loved me, I still do.

"You thought I Jacob Blair loved you?" The disbelief is clear in his voice, but why would he ask her that?

"Who wouldn't, tell me why did you choose her, is it sex? I wait for his answer, I wait for him to say it's because he loves me, but waiting to hear those words is like waiting for a shower of rain in the middle of a drought.

He just stood there looking at her like he doesn't understand her question, this look I know. It was the same look he gave me when I asked him about Lia.


"It can't be sex, must be something else, because deep down you don't love her and I know you no, she can't please you the way I can."

"Jasmine I said leave!" Jacob face is now red from anger, his eyes are so dark, they look like he's about to kill somebody.

That's the way he looked at you before he choke your ass the other day. My body tremble a bit at my subconscious words.

"Don't you dare tell me to leave! I didn't tell you to leave two hours ago, when you were buried deep down inside of me!" That's it, I've heard enough of this, these two disgraceful people deserve each other. I can't believe he kissed be two hours after having sex with her, where's my flipping respect?

Oh, please look who's talking about respect, you grind him knowing he had a girlfriend, not to mention you kissed him knowing he's engaged. I roll my eyes at my inner thoughts, I walk off only to me stop by Jacob words, again.

"We are not together so stop acting like it, we fuck a few times, but that's it. You knew Jasmine, you knew what you were getting into, so why all of a sudden, you're acting like a clingy bitch? Who the fuck gave you permission to step foot inside my house, huh? not to mention telling people that we're engage. you better thank god the media didn't get ahold of your false information, because I swear if they did, it would've been the end of your so-called modeling career. Just get the fuck out of my house before I dragged your skinny ass out myself!" Jasmine stood their shock just as I am, as I try to wrap my brain around his words.

"I said get the fuck out!" We both jerk back to mother earth when he yelled. She once again opens her mouth to speak, but shut it immediately when Jacob dark eyes met hers. she walks away holding her head high like nothing happened.

"You'll regret this" she whispers out before exiting the room. I'm way too shock to even think about what she said, plus I'm positive she was talking to Jacob not me.

"And you" he said stalking towards me in, I bring my eyes away from him knowing he's still blazing with anger and when he's like this, he throws daggers directly at my fragile heart.

"Go wait for me in my room. I'm going outside to shut down this nonsense" he ordered before leaving. So, he thinks our babies shower is a waste of time, how could he even think that?

I walk slowly towards his room, knowing I'm at my breaking point. I really don't think I can take anymore of this.

I think I'm done.


5 second of summer has been nominated for the group of the year  in the People's  choice awards 2019 , Please vote for them.

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