Chapter 35

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"Jacob-" My words comes to a halt when I found an empty bedroom. I check the bathroom, alongside the closet only to find them empty. Where is he?

"Jacob!" I called out hoping he'll answer, I really want to solve things before it get out of control. If I'd known the gift was from him, I wouldn't have accepted it, the last thing I want to do is cause problems.

I knock on his study door before entering, a room full of furniture, papers and books welcomes me. I sigh out of frustration, wondering where the hell he is. I'm positive he didn't leave the house, which means he's somewhere inside.

I walk past his bedroom door once more, heading for the gym, if he's not there, then I give up. My body pause when I heard the shifting of furniture in the room, next to the one I used to occupy. I rattle the door knob, checking if it's unlock or I'm just hearing things. Taking cautious steps inside the room, my breath hitch in the back of my throat when a grey room, decorated in lime green filled my eyes.

I take in the beautiful white cribs, alongside toys and other necessities for a new born baby. A warm buddle of happiness envelop my heart, this is so amazing.

I run towards Jacob embracing him into a bone crushing hug, his body felt tense against mine, but be retuned the hug nevertheless.

Feeling uncomfortable, with my now huge stomach between us, I pull away making space between us.

"Babe, I love it! I love it so much!" I squeal like a child, this is the best gift I've ever received, this man just keeps knocking me off my feet.

"Didn't you heard me calling you earlier?" I asked, calming down from my excitement.

"I heard." his tone and his straight, emotionless face tells he's still upset. I let out a long, heavy breath, wishing I had read the note before I accept that damn bracelet.

"I didn't know it was from him, if I had known I wouldn't-"

"You wouldn't what, kathylia!" he yell, Causing me to take a few steps back.

"Come on Jacob, stop being childish. It's not like I did anything wrong, so cut the yelling."

"Do you love him? Better yet, are you sleeping with him for him to send you a damn bracelet and don't you ever tell me how to speak in my house." his words cut so deep, I can feel them burning into my soul. I ignore the knotting feeling in my heart, telling myself he said those words because he's upset.

"I'm going to give you some time and space to cool off, okay?"

"Don't you dare leave this room! Answer me, do you love him?"

" No Jacob! For heaven's sake, I love you! What am I going to have to do for you to believe me, huh? I've stayed with you through everything, you dragged me through hell and back and I'm still here, yet you question my love? I didn't know the damn gift was from him, you were in the room, you saw my reaction. What gave you the right to be yelling and accusing me of things!?" I yelled frustrated by his sacking behavior.

"Babe come here" I stood still ignoring the plea in his voice. I'm so upset by the fact that he doubt my love for him after everything, Do I have to write, I love Jacob Blair in full caps on my forehead for him to get it? His hand circled around my waist, pulling me into his firm chest.

"Babe, I didn't mean to hurt your feelings, okay I just don't like him or any men sending you gifts." I nod my head not trusting my voice.

"Come on give me a kiss" I press my lips on his upon his request, kissing the lips, I'm addicted to.

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