Part 62

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As I stepped on the grass, facing away from the torch lit rock path, I was met by warm hands wrapping around me. A heavy sigh escaped my lips as I weakly hugged the aged woman.

'There is nobody around, you can let everything out' my mother spoke quietly and I leaned my head on her shoulder. I let the tears run down my face, but no sound escaped me. I just let silence surround us as the emptiness felt like it was spreading inside me.

'It will never get easier, but remember the moments with her. Maybe it will ease the pain' she whispered as her hand ran over my hair soothingly.

'Is it the punishment? For my inability to protect the pack?' My voice sounded pitiful, but I couldn't muster the strength to care.

'I would call it fate and you know Gods can't manipulate it' she answered, but I wasn't content with the answer. I didn't like the idea of something controlling my life without me being able to do a thing. The idea of Lynea's death because of me, letting the killer off for so long, was preferred. The pain that pooled inside me boiled, anger replacing it. I moved away from the woman as my hands balled into fists, lips pulled into a snarl.

'Tlaloc' my mother spoke warningly and I looked at her.

'It's not my inability to rule that took her, mother. It's me being too soft' I growled as I walked pass the aged woman, whipping the tears and going off to the dungeon.

'Tlaloc, wait!' My mother shouted after me, but I ignored her. It was time to get final answers.

When I reached the dungeon, the guards stood up straight as I walked pass them. Entering pitch black tunnel, I let Laird guide me through the tunnels until I reached the cell. A lone torch hung by the cell, illuminating my form for the woman. She was awake and her eyes instantly looked up at me, sour scent of fear reaching my nose. With my eyes still on her, I opened the door, easily breaking the chain holding it locked. The woman shot up, her eyes wide, but weary of me.

'She is gone, because of you' I spoke, not finding the need to raise my voice at all. She looked at me confused and I snarled, causing her to jump away from me even further.

'Lynea, dead. Because of you' I said and watched pleased as shock and pain crossed her face.

'Y-you are lying' she whispered, tears brimming in her eyes.

'I never lie about things like that. And it's all because of your stubbornness' I snarled again, taking a step towards her.

'I-I did nothing! It's all your fault, everything is!' She screamed at me, fear shaking her body. I growled, killing the distance between us. My hand rose by itself, taking a hold of her neck, squeezing the air flow shut. I pushed my face up to hers, ignoring her hands clawing at my own hand.

'If you told me who is the killer, I would have killed him sooner, he wouldn't have targeted Lynea's friend and she would never have gone to search for her. Let me tell you something' I spoke quietly, watching as her face turned red with pleasure. My mouth stretched into a grin as I whispered to her.

'You are not leaving this place alive'

I let her throat go and watched as she fell on the ground, coughing from sudden air intakes. I turned away from her, walking towards the cell door.

'He will kill you b-before you can do a-anything to me!' She screamed at me angrily.

And everything clicked into place.

I couldn't help as crazed smile stretched my lips, finally having the answer I was searching for. Looking over my shoulder, I looked at the woman.

'So it's a he' I murmured, excitement coursing through my body. The woman's eyes went wide as she realised too late of what she said.

I left the cell chuckling. It's seems finally, the hunt can begin.


As I reached the sacrificial pedestal, Ogden stopped me by walking in front of me. He looked at me and frowned.

'Round everybody here' I said as I forced myself to calm down. The hunt won't begin just yet, I still had to find the man.

Ogden looked at me for a moment before disappearing inside one of the tents. After a couple moments, everyone were in front of me. The mood of the pack was low, losing a Luna is never easy, even if you hate the person.

I looked at my pack, seeing if everybody did come.

'Males, separate from women' I ordered and got confused looks. They followed, separating into two groups and I walked to males. Looking over them, I couldn't help a grin that took over me, causing nearby pack members to take a step back.

'I found him' I said as I looked back at Ogden. He looked confused for a moment and then his eyes widen almost invisibly. He understood.

'I want every capable man or woman to gather here tomorrow with first sun light' I said and murmuring spread throughout the pack.

'We are going on a hunt! On a hunt for the killer!' I shouted so everybody could hear and walked to Ogden.

'Who is it?' He asked instantly, his eyes shining with hidden excitement.

'Who do you think it is? Look around you, who is missing?' I asked and Ogden glanced at talking people. His eyes skilfully took in the view and then frowned.

'Rashine' he growled and looked back at me. 'Why do you think it is him?'

I couldn't help, but to smirk.

'Think about it. The man is missing and I did not give him orders beforehand. He is, what other pack members said, the friendliest person they met, how could anybody think it is him? And then there is Anna, his chosen mate. She is human who can enter other tribes without any suspicion, she can make friends. Reliable friends in Wind tribe'

'Where she can take Deathly Lullaby without any negative effect' Ogden finished the sentence and I smirked at him.

'Rashine is strong enough to kill women of our kind and then Anna is able to place the cursed flower, cleaning the scents.'

'I can't believe everything was so.... simple' Ogden said as his mouth pulled into a snarl. I gripped his shoulder and he looked at me.

'Go rest, tomorrow is an exciting day for us'

'To get our minds off the death of our Luna. At least for a day' he said and bid me goodbye.


Okay, was my author's note what made you all guys think it is the end of the story? C'mon, the murder wasn't even announced and there were no "THE END" anywhere. I'm not that shallow to cut my story and idea short just because I am getting bored with this story. I will finish it just as I have planned, the only difference is going to be more frequent updates. The death is a setup for something upcoming and I HATE tragedy and sad endings so there will be none of that. Oh! Would you look at that, already spoiled the ending. Ups!

So, my previous note was just an apology for sucking at sad and snot inducing parts, NOT the end of the story!

Minosta 🌲

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