GetWell ( IconForHire )

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_________________________________________Foot steps fill my ears and they were getting closer but I couldn't do anything if I wanted too, I can hear them step around the car to my side

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_________________________________________Foot steps fill my ears and they were getting closer but I couldn't do anything if I wanted too, I can hear them step around the car to my side. They kneel down and slowly crawled next to me after I hear a zipping sound. They pushed a cloth to my stomach making me take a deep breath of pain.

I forced my eyes to open into slits allowing me to see a outline of the person in the darkness that fill the night sky but quickly shut as the darkness pulls me under not allowing me to know what the person is doing.

When I became aware again, I can feel softness and warmth wraped around me. I groaned as I open my eyes to see a ceiling above me and I noticed that I'm laying on a bed after I looked at the bed I tried to sit up but pain shot through me as a voice spoke.

" I won't do that if I were you, you'll pop your stitches."

I snap my head towards the owner of the voice. A male in his twenty's stood next to the bed that I'm laying on, he's wearing all black clother a t-shirts, skinny jeans,boots,high socks, and even his messy hair is black.

"How are you feeling?"

He asked, I groaned a little before speaking.

"It hurts."

I breath out in pain as I closed my eyes. I can hear his clothes ruffled as he moved and his foot steps fall ontop what sound like wood, glass clanked when he sit it down before opening a door and grabbing something before he moved back over to me. I open my eyes to see a glass of water sitting in his hands along with something else.

I sit up against the wall with his help, I gasped in pain that's shooting through my waist. He hands me the glass along with pills.

"These will help you with the pain."

I nod my head before popping them into my mouth and take a big mouth full of the cold water, I hande him the glass back after I drink the whole glass.

"Thank you"

He smiled a little as he nods and got up to put the glass into the sink that's in the kitchen on the other side of the room. He come back and sit on the wooden chair I didn't notice that's sitting next to the bed. The eyeliner that's smudged around his eyes make the color pop out.

"What happened?"

I asked him, hoping he has a answer for me.

"I don't know what happened to you. I just found you in a car that has been flip onto it's back."

I frowned as he lean back into the chair and cross his legs.

"Don't worry, you'll remember soon but for now you need sleep."

I nod as he smile brightly at me before helping me lay back down onto the bed.

"What do you remember?"

"I remember leaving Jet,Ghoul, and Kobar at the base when a big group of Draculoids come out of nowhere. I know I had to get them away and fast so I take the Trans Am. I made sure they were behind me at all times as I passed zone 7 and then everything is black."

He nod.

"At least you know who you are."


I said before I feel my eyes close.

"Oh and I just want to tell you when you get better I'll try to fix your car when I find it."

I smiled at him.


He again smiled brightly at me.

"Dominic Harrison but call me Yungblud."

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