Thief (Ansel Elgort)

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I said surprised to see him standing there as Andy walked in behind him with a guilty face.

"He made me."

He simply stated I just nod at him before Mikey spoke up.

"Is it true?"

I glanced at Yungblud who is still laying next to me knowing what he's talking about.

"Yes, everything is ture."

I didn't hesitate to tell him because him and the others have the right to know.

"Why didn't you tell us the truth in the beginning?"

I sighed.

"You wouldn't believe me and when I first saw the signs I didn't want to believe it either. I kept pushing it away to the back of my mind."

I told the truth hoping he wouldn't react in a bad way. He rubbed his face with his hands before he quickly spoke again.

"But there's one thing that doesn't make sense to me, why were you two affected negatively from being apart?"

I look at Yungblud silently asking for permission he smiled and nod.

"We're soulmates Kid."

His eyes widened as he take in the information he just received before he sit down in the wooden chair put his head into his hands.

"What are we going to do? Me and the other can't live at the bar Party. You can live here with him but where are we going to live where are we going to go?"

Yungblud stood up from the bed walking to Kid so he can kneel next to him and putting a hand on his shoulder.

"You can if you want I'm sure Billie would love to have you guys and you don't have to give blood like the others if you don't want to. You and the other can be guards or be a bartender instead. Billie takes in people from the zones and give them a home, a purpose to live on some even find love as they work at the bar. This is yours and the others decided to stay or not but if you do you become family and we protect family."

He smiled at him as Kid stares at him before he walked back to the bed and lay down next to me. Kid without speaking stood up and quickly walked out the door, Andy sadly smiled at us.

"Tell him once Dominic is better we'll come to the bar."

He nod before walking out making silence hang in the air.

"So that's your young brother?"

I nod and smiled at him as he lay there looking some what innocent as he stares at me.

"Tell me about there others."

I quickly lay down in a comfortable position with Yungblud laying his head against my chest as I begin to talk about everything I know about them and how we become to be The Fantastic Four the hero's for the killjoys. We talked for hours smiling and laughing before I become tired for the first time in a month, I yawned.

"Go to sleep."

He told me lightly smiling.

"I'll be here when you wake, I promise."

I slightly nod as my eyes grow too heavy to keep open and before I know I'm falling in the blanket of darkness of sleep once again.

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