Untravled Road (ThousandFootKrutch)

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"The light behind your eyes
The light behind your"

I looked beside to see Yungblud has caught up to me and is running next to me.

"I'm digging my own grave for the day
I decorate with pink socks amd gold chains
Two fat stacks on my eyes
I'm in a box I don't recognise
Believe what they say
And you'll be flying away
On a coke covered bidet
While you chuck-a-sickie on your face"

The sky started to be littered with small and big shiny dotes as the Sun began to completely set.

"Sometimes we must grow stronger and
You can be stronger when I'm gone
When I'm here,no longer
You must be stronger and"

I pant as I sprant cross the sand that stick to my black simple clothes, I look at Yungblud out of the corner of my eye to see that he's not breaking a sweat.

"A juvenile sinner, a car-crash winner
Don't let the devil take you out for dinner
Juvenile sinner, a car-crah winner
Don't let the devil take you out for dinner"

His voice rings out across the wastland along with mine, we sing our hearts out not caring who hears us.

"If I could be with you tonight
I would sing you to sleep
Never let them take the light behind your eyes
I failed amd lost this fight
Never fade in the dark
Just remember you will always burn as bright"

My lungs burn as my legs struggle to keep going but I force them to.

"I just wanna die for the hype, for the hype
Crucified like Jesus Christ
I just wanna die for the hype, for the hype
Crucified like Jesus Christ"

It's like we're compiled to keep going, something pulling us closer.

"The ligh behind your eyes
The light behind your eyes
The light behind your eyes
The light behind your eyes"

Darkness started to consume us but the moon didn't fully let it, lighting our way through the darkness.

"Yeah polly
I just wanna suck on your lolly
I just wanna suck on your lolly
I just wanna suck on your lolly, polly
Yeah polly
I just wanna suck on your lolly
I just wanna suck on your lolly
I just wanna suck on your lolly, polly"

In the distance I see light shining, a building stood there in the middle of the darkness. A gas station stands tall like they use to do before the fires, I can see Yungblud slow to a stop and I did as well, panting filling my burning lungs with the cooling air. I stare at the gas station in aw.


I wishpered to myself, suddenly Yungblud grabbed my wrist pulling me away. I forced my eyes away from the station to Yungblud before I try to pull my wrist away from him.


He stopped but didn't let go of my wrist.

"Look at me, Yungblud."

Slowly he turn to look at me as he let me go, he sighed.

"I didn't tell you the whole truth about the cult because I didn't want you to be killed like I did."

Confusion runs through me, he looks anywhere but me.

"Once you step inside there will be a person behind the counter, say the blood that run through ours vines is no more and they'll let you into the bar that's under the station. Ask for Billie Jeo Armstrong, they'll ask why say Dominic send you. They'll take you to him and he'll tell you everything."

I glance at the station but once I look back to Yungblud he's gone.

Music: Yungblud-Die For The Hype, My Chemical Romance-Lights Behind Your Eyes

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