Emoji (Au/Ra)

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_________________________________________When I open my eyes again Party had rolled over and is laying some what on top of me, his arm dripped over my waist as his face is in my neck

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When I open my eyes again Party had rolled over and is laying some what on top of me, his arm dripped over my waist as his face is in my neck. His warm breath hits my neck as he breaths, I sighed as the warmth he is giving, making me feel nice.

I closed my eyes hoping it last a little longer and it did until Party starts to stir. He groaned first letting sleep slowly slip away until he realized what's he laying on. He turned his head up to look at me, I probably look like I'm sleep so he didn't want to wake me up and slowly moved away. I hold back on making a sound of a whin of losing the warmth that I begin to love.

I wanted more of that warmth so I acted like I'm asleep and grabbed his wrist.

"Don't leave, please."

I kept my eyes closed and make myself sounds afraid of being left behind as I wishpered sounding weak. I can feel him tense at first, surprised that I grabbed him but give in and lay back down. I slowly crawled to him and sighed when I felt the warmth again, I have my head laying on his chest along with my left arm as his wrapped his right arm around my waist and pulled me closer.

I wanted this to last forever, I love the warmth and the way he's holding me but I know if I don't end it soon I'll become addicted to it and I can't do that not to him. So after a while I begin to fake waking up, I groaned as I shifted before I become tense when I noticed a body under me. I made my head shot up with my eyes closed and some what moaned before I open my eyes to see Party staring at me with this look in his eyes.

But it quickly want away as he smirked that made my insides want to melt and made me started to blush. I coughed as I turned around and off the bed.


I said as I sit on the edge of the bed, I glance at him seeing him smiling at me and I can feel my cheeks still warm.

"It's ok."

I nod as I pulled my knees to my chest with my arms around them.

"Is it ok that borrow some clothes so I can take a shower?"

I nod and stood up, I opened my closet and got out the biggest clothes I think that can him. When I turn I jumped because Party is standing behind me when I did.


He apologized, I just smiled and handed him the clothes before he walked with a slight lamp to the bathroom. When he shut the door and turned on the shower, I sit back down at the edge of the bed and rubbed my face harshly.

"What the hell is happening?"

I wishpered to myself as my mind keeps sending images that I didn't want so I pushed them away and stood up, I wrote a quick note saying that I'm in the garage working on his car. I sighed when I walked up the wracked car and quickly thought about what I should do first.

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