Every Time You Leave (I Prevail)

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_________________________________________I glance at Party who still have that frightened look on his face as he lay still on the bed but not as much as when I stepped out of the bathroom

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I glance at Party who still have that frightened look on his face as he lay still on the bed but not as much as when I stepped out of the bathroom.

"Are you even going too?"

I look at Billie once again.

"I wasn't planning too."

He just stood there with a dumb found look on his face before he throw his head back and yelled through his teeth.

"I want to fucking punch you."

He said before he started to calm himself down.

"You know he..."

He point at him once again.

"Will find out sooner or later. It better be sooner or you will do something you will regret for a every long time."

He sighed and put his hands on his hips.

"Look I don't have time for this because I've been really busy since I've become an Elder with what Elders do. Just don't lessened your vists to The Toxic Bar then you already have, ok."

He turned and walk through the door on his way out with Andy behind him.


His voice rings through the hall as he leaves and once he did I sighed in relief. I seen that Party did too in the corner of my eyes when I was still looking at the door before I looked at him.

"I'm sorry about that, I didn't know that they will come over."

He opened and closed his mouth before he finally spoke.

"Are...are you in a some cult?"

He asked worriedly making me sigh again and I rubbed the back of my neck.

"Something like that but this one when your in you can never get out of it. It stays with you until your dead."

I some what lied because I didn't want him become like me by knowing like I did.

"Dose it have slaves because that man asked me where my master was at?"

I'm surprised that he seems calm about all this new information about me.

"Something like that but they have their freedom. We give them a home when they done with this world, we give them hope and a reason to live on. We protect them, give them food, clothes,shelter, we respect them like kings and queen. Well, must of us do and when your caught disrespecting one the Elders will punish you for it after they find the truth of course. We also give the love they need and pleasure. So you don't have to worry about them, their safe living at The Toxic Bar."

He nod as he let the information sink in as I stood and put on my shirt before I begin to make the last of my coffee.

"What's are Elders, who are they and what happened to the last ones when the fires started?"

I smirked and glance at him as I continue to make my coffee.

"Well aren't you begin to become really noise."

I joked but he blushed a little looking away, embarrassed but I did tell him.

"Their the oldest person of a coven, that's what we call a group of us, coven. The short man you saw a few minutes ago was Billie Joe Armstrong and he's our new Elder as the theirs have dead in the fires, making every coven that survived into one coven, so we have a better chance at surviving. You guys know him by Green Day but not many killjoys know him along with others. Do you want something to eat?"

He shook his head no as I begin to worry what he'll do with this information when he's all healed and really to go back to his friends. I sit in the chair with my steaming coffee in my hands before I quickly decided to sit at the edge of the bed instead.

"You know by me telling you all this information will put you in danger."

He chuckled as he also smirked at me.

"I live in danger all the time because that's what I do."

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