Clockwork (Palaye Royal)

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I pass the sign at the end of the zones, quickly the others started questioning more like complaining.

"Party? Were we going, there nothing out here."

Kodar spoke from the passenger seat I just glance at him not responding but push down more on the gas pedal. The car launch forward speeding over the wastland of sand, making everyone quite in surprise that the car is faster then before.

"What kind of engine is this?"

Kodar asked since he's the one who repairs the car.


I simple reply making Kodar cures.

"Shit! It's going to be hard to find parts for that kind of engine."

A while later the place I'm looking for appear over the horizon, Ghoul gasped.

"The fuck that doing here, it's like it never been touched by the fires!"

Ghoul said once I parked the car before I turned to them.

"You guys stay here."

Jet and Ghoul started complaining but shut up when I glared at them. I step one of the car and into the gas station.

"Can you give a message to Billie please."

The man nodded before.

"Yeah sure thing Party."

I finally remember the male, the one who was with Billie at Youngblood house.

"Tell him I need to speak to him outside."

He nod before walking into the back, I want back outside and lean against the car. I glance around before Billie walked out with Andy behind him. 

"Well hello Party. Nice to see you again."

Billie said before I push off the car as he glancing at the other three in the car, shaking his hand and nod.

"So what bring you back."

He smirked but I sighed and give a simple answer


He nod and hummed.

"They got to close so we have to leave for a bit. I was thinking of going to Yungblud's and see if we can stay for a little bit."

His smirk fall before he spoke.

"Well, Uhm we haven't seen him all month so I don't think that's a good idea. Especially for what I think of what's he's doing or done, He'll put you and your little group in danger."

I look at my shoes as worry and guilt settle on my chest making it heavy.  Billie sighed before putting a hand on my shoulder making me look up into his eyes.

"They can stay here while you and Andy check on him."

I close eyes thinking on what to do making him chuck a bit.

"Don't worry I'll keep them safe from the others and if they question I'll tell."

I finally nod before I look at the others and gestured to get out. With hesitation they got out of the car and walk up to us.

"Guys this Billie, he's the owner of the place. Something happened and I need you guys to stay here with him."

I said quickly before speed walking to the car but Kodar grabbed my wrist stopping me.

"What did you get into? I know we all know you weren't telling the whole truth of what happened while you were gone. It's about him isn't? We know you weren't eating or sleep since you left him."

He spoke quickly before Billie step forward.

"Let him go, he needs too. For his and Dominic's health, their both hurting and it's going to kill them both if they stay away from each other any longer."

Kodar glance at him but he didn't let go making me sigh.

"Let go."

I simply asked he shook his head no, anger started to boil in my chest but I try to keep it down, Billie saw this and grabbed Kodar's arm making him let go. Before Kodar could do anything I ran to the car with Andy in the passenger seat and drive off.


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